Mark, many sellers like that are just flipping material and don't completely check things out. In which case for the low price you are taking the gamble on your own terms but PayPal disagrees. The seller in question is more than shameful and appears to have sold many bogus stamps as real for awhile.
Yes I have read through this thread - and yes, after 35 years as a dealer I understand the fallacy of feedback ratings - on the other hand to take action requires a justification to avoid liability issues.
This is a litigious society and you need to have a clear cut, definitive reason to mess with someones livelihood. With the number of stamps that have been issued good certs that are later found to be bad, and vice versa - and since almost all certs are issued as an "opinion" - it is a slippery slope.
Think of Hipstamp as a "judge" - a decision making judge has to base his decision on what was proven - not on his own opinion. He may know full well that a man is guilty but if it has not been proven he must find him innocent. During a week long seminar I attended a Federal Judge said he often feels like asking the prosecutor if he would like some help because he is not focusing on the right issues and he cannot find this guilty person guilty because of the poor job being done..
This is a litigious society and you need to have a clear cut, definitive reason to mess with someones livelihood. With the number of stamps that have been issued good certs that are later found to be bad, and vice versa - and since almost all certs are issued as an "opinion" - it is a slippery slope.
Think of Hipstamp as a "judge" - a decision making judge has to base his decision on what was proven - not on his own opinion. He may know full well that a man is guilty but if it has not been proven he must find him innocent. During a week long seminar I attended a Federal Judge said he often feels like asking the prosecutor if he would like some help because he is not focusing on the right issues and he cannot find this guilty person guilty because of the poor job being done..