Why is Brunei still in the Middle East?

Brunei: 5 years later, and I am afraid that even with continental drift considered...it is still firmly in ASIA. Has anyone at Hipstamp looked at a map lately?


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • 3 years later... the embarrassing island of Brunei has continued to drift way off course. It is scheduled to collide with Arabia any time now.
  • Ralph,

    Brunei is only one of the many issues with the country and territory categories. And as as seller it is even worse since many of the categories that you can see when browsing the categories as a buyer do not appear when you are listing issues. As an example, I was just listing some Basutoland stamps the other day. There is no place to list Basutoland stamps, you have to know which country Basutoland became upon independence and list the stamps there (in this case Lesotho). The Basutoland listings then appear both under Lesotho and under the British Commonwealth / British Africa section. British Commonwealth is not a category that appears when listing stamps.

    Other examples that drive me crazy are the complete absence of Bangkok, two different places to list West Berlin stamps (both under Berlin and under West Berlin), with your listing only showing in one of those two places. Bermuda is apparently in the Caribbean, as is St Thomas and Prince Islands (they are actually off the coast of Africa). French Equatorial Africa and French West Africa and both listed under Africa, not under France and Colonies with the other French colonies. And the list goes on.

    After a while one kind of gets used to the weirdness of it all, but I often wonder what a person thinks when they first come to this site and see such a jumbled mess in regards to the categories one finds when browsing the offerings.
  • OK, now that is just a scrambled mess to me....53e3bc37e82f2
  • Richard, you bring up some excellent points, and it would be nice for admin to address these issues. I list St Thomas under Portugal and colonies (even though that's no longer true).
  • eBay for the most part list items under specific categories that are what stamp people have always used. So does eBid and Delcampe. Yes it is more coding that needs to be done but it helps buyers who are looking for specific items.
  • On an other post, we discuss the responsibility of sellers to correct an erroneous listing, something that may be understandable in difficult areas and areas of non-expertise.
    Now the Brunei listing location on Hipstamp (in the Middle East) has me puzzled by by the non response, after repeated flagging. Folks it is EMBARASSING! It is not difficult to look at a map and verify this.
  • This has been brought to the attention of the folks that operate this site numerous times, especially in the year or so immediately after they began operations. They have never responded on this Forum if I recall correctly.

    I contacted the operators through their "Help" function once and actually did get a response several years ago. The response was that it was on their list of things that they were going to tackle the next year. That "next year" has long since gone by with no action. So I have given up that these discrepancies will ever be changed but do respond to vent my frustration when someone like you posts a question about the location of Brunei (it is always Brunei, never any of the other items I mentioned).

    In thinking about this, I suggest that the operators of this site are taking a page from Microsoft - put together a software package and push it out to the public. Then never correct the inevitable glitches that come up because you are too busy developing software to tackle a new market (comics, postcards, etc.). After all, they are already making their profit off of this site the way it is; why expend any more effort than they have to on it? They do make changes from time to time, but it is always superficial with little items that no one asked for and that many despise (the way that help balloon pops up in the bottom right corner, the way the numerals are handled in the lot cost once you reach and exceed $1, and so on).

    So, thanks Ralph, I got to vent again!
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