USPS Releases Some Nice Designs for Upcoming Issues
The USPS released a few more designs this morning for stamps to be released in the second half of 2018.
The new $1, $2, and $5 definitives showing the head and shoulder of the Statue of Freedom that stands atop the U.S. Capitol dome, replace those generic 'Waves of Color' definitives that look like Spirograph doodles!
The Art of Magic se-tenants will be issued in Las Vegas . . . and the John Lennon stamp (stamps? due to their different colors?) will be issued on Sept. 7 -- strangely, one month and two days before his birthdate. ???

The new $1, $2, and $5 definitives showing the head and shoulder of the Statue of Freedom that stands atop the U.S. Capitol dome, replace those generic 'Waves of Color' definitives that look like Spirograph doodles!
The Art of Magic se-tenants will be issued in Las Vegas . . . and the John Lennon stamp (stamps? due to their different colors?) will be issued on Sept. 7 -- strangely, one month and two days before his birthdate. ???

1. U.S. postage stamps and stationery will primarily feature American or American-related subjects. Other subjects may be considered if the subject had significant impact on American history, culture or environment.
Magic: Having been an amateur magician a lifetime ago, these are OK, but I don't love them.
First responders: As a former NYC Paramedic (also a lifetime ago), I love the sentiment, but for the stamp designs themselves...meh.
John Lennon: Met him in 1964 when the Beatles stayed at the Plaza Hotel in NYC (My dad was the hotel General Manager at the time, so I had an "in"). Met George Harrison as well. Paul and Ringo were sleeping when I went to their hotel suite (figures...they were my favorites). Nice stamps!
Thanks for the post Dave !
Pretty neat story about meeting John and George at the Plaza!
Right across the street and 12 years later, my wife 'met' John and Yoko when they came into F.A.O.Schwarz, where she worked at the time! The store was closed down to the public so John and Yoko could shop in privacy!!
(I think those stamps for "The Art of Magic" are supposed to look like old-time posters that would have been outside the theater where a Magician was performing.)
Just a brief list (There are more)
Dante Alighieri,Vasco Núñez de Balboa,Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi,The Beatles,Simón Bolívar,Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo,Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac,Philip Carteret ,Enrico Caruso,Samuel de Champlain,Winston Churchill,
Christopher Columbus (Multiple issues),James Cook,Nicolaus Copernicus,Francisco Vázquez de Coronado,
Leif Erikson,Francis of Assisi,Mahatma Gandhi,Johannes Gutenberg,Dag Hammarskjöld,Alfred Hitchcock,Isabella I of Castile,Boris Karloff,Lajos Kossuth,Martin Luther etc.
Some are somewhat obvious as to why they honored they people and some not so much.