Mexican revenue stamps

My most recent philatelic literature purchase was a Roberts/MEPSI catalogue for "Mexico's Revenue Stamps"
Full color, very informative and makes me realize that there are tens of thousands of these little rascals. I'm only in the mere hundreds. A long ways to go.
Any other collectors of Mex Rev's out there? I realize it's quite the little unique niche (as those who know me know that I'm prone to that off-the-beaten-path stuff)
It's always great to hear from another with similar interests! So, you gave me reason to put the catalog to use - Thanks!! I always enjoy cracking it open.
I'll attach an image below of your album page with catalog numbers written on top. If you can put it to use, great - otherwise it was still fun to dig through the catalog and look them up even if you aren't concerned about the cat numbers. So, all of them (except one) are from the "Documents and Books" series of revenues. The actual cat number is the letters "DO" put in front of the numbers I hand wrote below. Yep, I've got all these but the one that was new to me is a local "State" issued revenue # DU72 which was issued by the state of Durango instead of the federal government.
Great stuff - thanks for the post.
Here are a couple of more pages. Appreciate the cat information. Prices?
As for values, page 1 is all 20-cent'ers except the DU72 which is 50 cents.
On to page 3...
R is for Rental Interior ("Internal Revenue") and CF is Contribucion Federal ("Federal Tax")
by the way, the crude handwriting is because I'm doing all this on my phone. My actual handwriting is much more readable