Pleasure to do business with. Fast pay. Look forward to seeing you again.
06/14/2020 12:14:13
Seller: FoothillsStamps (47558) |
Thank you for shopping at citystampmontreal!
06/03/2020 15:12:30
Seller: citystampmontreal (10437) |
easy trade...thanks!!!
05/28/2020 11:58:24
Seller: buystamps (6349) |
Very Good Customer and easy to work with - good communication
05/19/2020 06:34:43
Seller: al55acb (105) |
thanks and i am happy to ship your order.
05/16/2020 17:19:26
Seller: bbstamps (161603) |
thanks and i am happy to ship your order.
05/16/2020 17:19:26
Seller: bbstamps (161603) |
Thank you for your Interest in my stamps, also please visit
05/15/2020 14:16:27
Seller: jkstamps (31497) |
Great Sale!
05/15/2020 13:49:57
Seller: dsemsrott (14401) |
Pleasure to do business with, Super fast payer. Hope to deal with you again. FIVE STARS *****
05/11/2020 17:20:58
Seller: gpstamps (480) |
Great to have you as a buyer. Please visit my listings again soon.
04/17/2020 16:58:18
Seller: hobsondeg (12519) |
Great to have you as a buyer. Please visit my listings again soon.
04/17/2020 16:58:18
Seller: hobsondeg (12519) |
Thank you for your business! We look forward to serving you again! Great customer!
02/28/2020 19:35:37
Seller: AEcollectiblesInc (8952) |
Terrific transaction. Thank you. Welcome back anytime!
02/15/2020 10:48:50
Seller: buybob (64564) |
Thank you for your business.
02/13/2020 19:29:44
Seller: LittleArtTreasures (420) |
Great transaction, come back anytime!
02/07/2020 15:12:35
Seller: clarkphilatelics (311) |
easy trade...thanks!!!
02/07/2020 10:05:21
Seller: buystamps (6349) |