Feedback Details: "herchandels"

Please note that this member's account is not currently active.
herchandels (3)
Report User
Member Since
04/27/2024 00:35:35
Last Month 0 0 0
Last 6 Months 6 0 2
Last 12 Months 8 1 5
As Seller 0 0 0
As Buyer 8 1 5
Total 8 1 5
14 entries found. Showing results 1 to 14
Feedback From
No payment,no response.
10/26/2024 06:49:22
Seller: bob1961 (695)
10/14/2024 13:46:37
Seller: Stampnpete (10476)
wonderful customers a pleasure to do business.
09/21/2024 12:42:46
Seller: harry124 (11425)
wonderful customers a pleasure to do business.
09/21/2024 12:42:46
Seller: harry124 (11425)
Welcome and thanks for visiting my store! This 1st order was really appreciated. When you receive your order your feedback will close in a nice way this transaction!
09/19/2024 09:39:13
Seller: Directmaildiscount (61464)
Customer made an offer and it was accepted. The invoice was never paid after 3 weeks and 3 reminder emails.
08/29/2024 17:09:20
Seller: StampManiac (2810)
No payment received
08/24/2024 20:47:23
Seller: vanglo2006 (441)
No payment received
08/24/2024 20:47:23
Seller: vanglo2006 (441)
Payment not received. Order cancelled.
06/20/2024 07:01:12
Seller: dabbids23 (1541)
not paid
05/16/2024 08:02:46
Seller: tsghobbies (664)
Thank you for prompt payment.....Mailing ASAP
05/12/2024 18:43:20
Seller: ANDRE003 (16036)
Thank you for prompt payment.....Mailing ASAP
05/12/2024 18:43:20
Seller: ANDRE003 (16036)
No Payment after 10 days, No response to emails
05/09/2024 14:47:46
Seller: dkstampman (7241)
Non Payment
05/08/2024 15:23:35
Seller: mushbigdog (1133)
Commit: 6e47a7bc_7b88cd69e3