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Australia & Oceania
Wallis and Futuna Islands
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FRENCH COLS ,WALLIS & FUTUNA 1941 , 21 MNH ovpt ,''France Libre�...
Wallis and Futuna Islands 1990 Sc#392 ORCHIDS-MOTHER'S DAY Deluxe S/S MNH
Wallis & Futuna 2024 Birds Owls Lulu Oiseaux Vogel Uccello Aves
Wallis & Futuna 2023 Bishop MGR Poncet Religion
Wallis & Futuna Islands 1980 Sc#C99 ROTARY CLUB/CONCORDE Shlt (25) Imperforated
FRENCH COLS ,WALLIS & FUTUNA 1941 , 26 MLH ovpt ,''France Libre''
Wallis & Futuna 2022 Fish Peche Artisanale Nefu Fische Pesce Pescado
Wallis and Futuna Islands 1986 Sc#483 CHESS Full Sheetlet (25) IMPERFORATED MNH
WALLIS & FUTUNA ISLANDS, 389 MNH, Imperf, 1990 Fossilized Tortoise
J43511 JL Stamps 1964 wallis and futuna islands mnh #c19 sports
Wallis & Futuna Islands, C41 Mint Hinged
Central African Republic 1985 SPACE Halley's comet 6 values Perforated mnh.vf
Wallis & Futuna Islands, 179-181 Mint Hinged
Wallis & Futuna 1986 SPACE Halley's comet 1 value Perforated mnh.vf
Wallis and Futuna New Caledonia overprint MH SC# 1 see details / scans
Wallis & Futuna Islands 3 New Caedonie Stamp O/P 1920
Wallis and Futuna Islands 179-81 Mint NH CV $80.00 (ID # 96268)
Wallis & Futuna Islands 44 New Caedonie Stamp O/P 1930
Wallis and Futuna Islands 207-09 Mint NH CV $42.50 (ID # 96269)
Wallis & Futuna Islands 1 New Caedonie Stamp O/P 1920
Wallis and Futuna Islands 171 Mint NH CV $40.60 (ID # 96267)
Wallis and Futuna LOT 12
Wallis & Futuna Islands Scott # 43, 36 MH 1c, 4c 1924-27
Wallis and Futuna LOT 27
Wallis & Futuna 1980 Sc#C99 Concorde-Rotary International Shlt.(25) Imperforated
Wallis & Futuna 1987 Sc#363/368 BIRDS 6 DELUXE Souvenir Sheets IMPERFORATED MNH
Wallis and Futuna LOT 14
Wallis and Futuna 1997 Sc#496/497 GREEN LAGOON TURTLES Block of 10 IMPERFORATED
Wallis and Futuna 1979 Sc#C90/93 Space/Birds/Penny Black Block of 4 Imperforated
Wallis & Futuna 1987 Sc#347/352 BUTTERFLIES Set (6) DELUXE SOUVENIR SHEETS MNH
Wallis and Futuna 1983 Sc#302 SPACE WORLD COMMUNICATIONS Block of 8 IMPERF MNH
Wallis and Futuna 1996 Sc#477 GOLF Mini-Sheetlet of 10 Stamps IMPERFORATED MNH
Wallis and Futuna 1988 Sc#372/375 SEOUL OLYMPICS SET (4) IMPERFORATED MNH
Wallis and Futuna 1988 Sc#375a SEOUL OLYMPICS S/S IMPERFORATED MNH
Wallis and Futuna 1979 Sc#229/230 International Year of the Child 2 DELUXE SS
Wallis & Futuna 2024 Shells Marine Fauna Coquilles Muscheln Conchiglia
Wallis & Futuna 1986 Sc#333/338 SHELLS MARINE LIFE Shlt.(24) IMPERFORATED MNH
Wallis & Futuna 1984 SHELLS MARINE LIFE Mi#460-465 Shlt.(24) IMPERFORATED MNH
Wallis and Futuna 1988 Sc#371 RED CROSS & RED CRESCENT Block of 6 IMPERFORATED
Wallis and Futuna Islands 1984 Sc#C132 EASTER 1984 Block of 4 IMPERFORATED MNH
Wallis & Futuna 1992 Sc#425 Columbus 500th.Anniversary DELUXE Souvenir Sheet MNH
Wallis & Futuna 1987 Sc#347/352 BUTTERFLIES Set (6) IMPERFORATED MNH
Wallis & Futuna Islands 1993 Sc#C173 COPERNICUS/POLSKA'93 DELUXE SS MNH
Wallis and Futuna Islands 1989 Virgin by Albrecht DURER (1) IMPERFORATED Sc#C163
Wallis and Futuna 1992 Sc#425 Columbus/Expo'92 Seville/Ship Single MNH
Wallis and Futuna 1980 Sc#C104 GENERAL CHARLES DE GAULLE Deluxe Souvenir Sheet
Wallis and Futuna Islands 1994 Sc#457 World Cup USA Mini-Sheetlet (25) Unfolded
Wallis and Futuna Islands 1980 Sc#C104 GENERAL CHARLES De GAULLE DELUXE S/S MNH
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