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Vatican City
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Vatican City Sc#C20 Superb MNH OG Cv$350.00 Choice Gem!!
10h 2m
Vatican City #19-34, E3-4 Cat$620, 1933 5c-20L, complete set with Special Del...
was $300
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1 day, 12h
FDC for Visit of Pope Paul VI to Holy Land 1964 (2)
1 day, 14h
FDC for Visit of Pope Paul VI to Holy Land 1964 (1)
1 day, 14h
Vatican City # C16-17 MH / MNH
was $495
4 days, 12h
Basilica Espresso Lire 40 n. 11fa pair rarity - MNH
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Council of Trent Lire 5 No. 120h not serrated left - MNH
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Council of Trent Lire 10 No. 121e not serrated bottom - MNH
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Council of Trent Lire 4 No. 119e not serrated bottom - MNH
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Council of Trent Lire 3 n. 118e not serrated bottom - MNH
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Council of Trent Lire 5 No. 120g not serrated right - MNH
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Council of Trent Lire 4 No. 119h not serrated left - MNH
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Council of Trent Lire 2 No. 116h not serrated left - MNH
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Council of Trent Lire 1.50 No. 115e not serrated bottom - MNH
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Council of Trent 50 cent. no. 112 varieties not catalogued - MNH
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Council of Trent 50 cent. n. 112g not serrated right - MNH
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Council of Trent 50 cent. n. 112e not serrated bottom - MNH
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Council of Trent 25 cent. n. 111d not serrated top - MNH
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Council of Trent 25 cent. n. 111e not serrated bottom - MNH
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Council of Trent 5 cent. n. 110e not serrated bottom - MNH
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Council of Trent 1 lira no. 114e not serrated bottom - MNH
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Council of Trent Cent. 75 n. 113e not serrated bottom - MNH
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1989 Vatican, Complete Vintage 23 Values + 1 Sheetlet - MNH **
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1951 Vatican, Complete Vintage 13 Values - MNH **
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Council of Trent Cent. 75 n. 113d not serrated top - MNH
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Medallions 20 lire no. 98da not serrated bottom - MNH
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5 lire medallions no. 97d not serrated top - MNH
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Prisoners 3. Issue No. 99/101 series not serrated right - MNH
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Prisoners 1 lira no. 99caa not serrated bottom - MNH
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Prisoners 3 lire no. 100caa not serrated bottom - MNH
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Prisoners 1 lira no. 99da not serrated right - MNH
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Lire Medallions 2.50 No. 96db not serrated top - MNH
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1938 Vatican, Complete Vintage 14 Values - Archaeology Series - MNH **
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2019 Vatican - 8.40 Fabric Euro Stamp - 90. Foundation 1929-2019 MNH**
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2019 Vatican - Stamp + Cloth Envelope - Official Folder, MNH**
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1936 Vatican, Complete Vintage 8 Ordinary Post Values, MNH **
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1948 Vatican, Complete Vintage 2 Airmail Values, MNH **
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Vatican 1987 St. Nicholas the Three Leaves on BU
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1956 Black Madonna No. 216/218 series on FDC Venetia fitt.
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1955 S. Bonifacio No. 192/194 series on FDC Venetia facc.
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1954 Pio X No. 182/184 series on FDC Venetia fcc.
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1956 Swiss Guard No. 203/208 series on FDC Venetia fitt.
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1953 S. Bernardo Chiaravalle on BU Venetia coll. for France
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SA32j Vatican 1978 Sistine Chapel FDC.
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SA32j Vatican 1978 Castle Gandolfo, Papal Palace FDC
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SA32j Vatican 1978 In Memory of Pope Paul VI FDC.
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SA32j Vatican 1978 In Memory of Pope Paul VI FDC
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SA32j Vatican 1978 Habemus Papam The Holy Year FDC
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