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Upper Volta
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Burkina Faso C210 Hessians Captured at Trenton 1975
Burkina Faso C210 Hessians Captured at Trenton 1975
1976- Republic of Upper Volta: Operation Mars S/S
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1980 Upper Volta 799/B55 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow 7,50 €
Burkina Faso C158 Early Locomotives 1973
Burkina Faso C158 Early Locomotives 1973
Burkina Faso O1 Elephant 1963
Upper Volta #658 Rotary, Baboons, Monkeys 1v Imperf Corner Block of 4
Upper Volta 1969 Cover to USA Flowers, Birds, Camel, Boar, Snak, Scouts, Monk...
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Burkina Faso C198 UPU 1974
Upper Volta 332-4 C 189-91 set 6 VF NH
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Upper Volta George Washington American Bicentiennial FDC !4
Haute-Volta : 1976, Operation Viking SUN Mars S/S Cto-Nh Sheet
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Burkina Faso 245 Hamanumida Daedalus 1971
Upper Volta Stamp-1977 Spirit of St. Louis- Charles Lindbergh CTO-S/S sheet
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Burkina Faso 245 Hamanumida Daedalus 1971
Burkina Faso 245 Hamanumida Daedalus 1971
Upper Volta #445 CTO (Used) Souvenir Sheet
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Upper Volta 1978 Congress of Paris UPU Sc C248 MNH A1444
Upper Volta 1975 Winter Olympics Innsbruck IMPERF MS MUH
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Upper Volta 1974 UPU Centenary CTO
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Upper Volta- 1977- Charles Lindbergh & Spirit of ST. Louis-Cto -NH S/S Sheet:
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Upper Volta SS Selection #351//467- SCV=$11.80
Upper Volta- 1976- Bi-Centenary of American-Cto -NH S/S Sheet: Rare
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Upper Volta #332 UPU Issue Set + Souvenir Sheet CTO
Sport, Block, Volta (1427-T)
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Upper Volta #C141 Airmail MH
Upper Volta #C103 Airmail MNH
Upper Volta #C102 Airmail MNH
Upper Volta #C101 Airmail MNH
1964 Upper Volta 148-151/B1 1964 Olympic Games in Tokio 13,00 €
Upper Volta #494 Year Of The Child MNH
Upper Volta #355 American Bicentennial MH
Upper Volta #354 American Bicentennial MH
Upper Volta #353 American Bicentennial MH
Upper Volta-1976- Bicentenary-Revolutionary of America CTO S/S-Fancy Cancel
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Burkina Faso O3 Elephant 1963
Upper Volta-1976-Olympic Games-Montreal'76 CTO S/S -Fancy Cancel Very Fine
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Upper Volta-1983-Olympic Games-Yatch Racing CTO S/S Very Fine-Fancy Cancel
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Upper Volta-1976 Bicentenary of American Revolution- White House- CTO S/S VF
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Upper Volta #112 Flowers MH
Burkina Faso C242 American Bicentennial 1976
Upper Volta-1976-Bicentenary-Revolutionary of America CTO S/S Vf-Fancy Cancel
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Upper Volta #71 Animal Masks NG
Upper Volta #106 Union Issue MHR
Burkina Faso C221 Picasso Paintings 1975
Upper Volta 1972 Xmas Paintings by Durer MUH
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Burkina Faso C210 Hessians Captured at Trenton 1975
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