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Upper Volta
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SA18a Upper Volta 1976 The 75th Anniversary of Zeppelin Airships mint stamps
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Upper Volta Sc #474-477 MNH Imperforate
Upper Volta #311 Famous Men & Zodiac Sign CTO
Upper Volta #125 Flowers MNH
Burkina Faso C161 Scout Skiing Downhill 1974
Burkina Faso 353 US 118 and Proclamation 1976
Upper Volta Scott #C21 MNH
Upper Volta #C213 Airmail CTO
SA17a Upper Volta 1975 200th Anniv of American Independence '76 mint stamps
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Upper Volta 1968 Paintings 1 Stamp W/Label MNH
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Upper Volta 1984 MNH Sc C302 IMPERFORATE
Upper Volta US Bi-Centennial proof card #C241 Airmail
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Burkina Faso 333 Universal Postal Union 1974
SA31c Upper Volta, Burkina Faso 1973 50th Anniversary of Interpol used stamps
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Upper Volta 127, MNH, Centennial of International Red Cross
Burkina Faso 346 Sir Winston Churchill 1975
Ouagadougou, Upper Volta to San Diego, Ca 1955 (48884)
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Upper Volta #2 Camel Rider NG
SA15g Upper Volta 1976 Zeppelin Flight used stamps
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Burkina Faso C198 UPU 1974
Burkina Faso C154 Locomotives 1973
Upper Volta 1963 African & Malagasy Postal Union MUH
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Upper Volta 1974 Concorde, De Gaulle CTO
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Burkina Faso 440 Selma Lagerlof 1977
Burkina Faso 442 Bertrand Russell 1977
Burkina Faso 463 Anthony HG Fokker 1977
Burkina Faso 510 Hartebeest 1979
Upper Volta 225, MNH, National Veterinary College
Upper Volta 1970 UPU HQ ML
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SA18a Upper Volta 1976 American Independence 200 years mint stamps imperf
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Upper Volta Stamp- Interphil'76-Bicentenary American Revolution CTO MNH
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Burkina Faso C220 Picasso Paintings 1975
Burkina Faso 404 Interphil 76, Philadelphia 1976
Burkina Faso 77 Monkey Mask 1960
Burkina Faso 77 Monkey Mask 1960
Burkina Faso 77 Monkey Mask 1960
Burkina Faso 77 Monkey Mask 1960
Burkina Faso 346 Sir Winston Churchill 1975
AlexStamps UPPER VOLTA #32 VF Mint
UPPER VOLTA - 1964 - Fr, Afr, Malag Co-op - Perf Single Stamp -Mint Never Hinged
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Burkina Faso 350 Sir Winston Churchill 1975
Upper Volta 1972 Xmas Paintings by Durer MUH
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Burkina Faso 322 Famous Men & Zodiac Signs 1973
Burkina Faso 334 Universal Postal Union 1974
Burkina Faso 336 World Cup Soccer 1974
Upper Volta #73 Animal Masks MNH
Burkina Faso 353 US 118 and Proclamation 1976
Burkina Faso 352 US 619 and Minutemen 1976
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