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5957 - 73c Allen Toussaint -Piano-FDC-Wally Jr Hand Painted-N.O.-5 Bullseye made
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5957 - 73c Allen Toussaint-FDC-Wally Jr Hand Painted-New Orleans-5 Bullseye made
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5957 - 73c Allen Toussaint-FDC-Wally Jr Hand Painted-New Orleans-5 Bullseye made
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5956 - 73c 1794 Compass Rose - Wally Jr Cachet -Hand Painted 8 made - Bullseye
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1941 Presidential Series Electric EYE 804-6 Pair & Bullseye Cancel Gold Variety
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1941 Presidential Series Electric EYE FDC 812-4 Andrew Jackson Bullseye Cancel
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#UX7 Postal card 2/12/1883 Wausau Wisconsin Bullseye cancel to Manchester Iowa
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Grand Lodge of Ohio I.O.O.F. Odd Fellows W.C. Earl Toledo OH Bullseye cancel
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US 152 15c Webster Used w/Bullseye Fancy Cancel F-VF SCV $220 (BB4)
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US Stamps- SC# 97 - Used - Bullseye Cancel - 9mm X 13mm Grill - SCV = $260.00
#65 3c George Washington on cover Concord New Hampshire Bullseye cancel 1866
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USA_1883's_ George Washington 2C_ Cancel study: Bullseyes
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USA_1883's_ George Washington 2C (x2 strip)_ Cancel study: Bullseyes
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USA_1883's_ George Washington 2C_ Cancel study: Bullseyes
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USA_1883's_ George Washington 2C_imperfections_ Cancel study: Bullseyes
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US Stamp - 1982 40c Philip Mazzei - 12 Stamp Plate Block w/Bullseye Perfs #C98A
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USA_1883's_ George Washington 2C_pl. side_ Cancel study: Bullseyes (bold)
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U.S. Used Stamp Scott #O90 15c War Official. Bullseye Cancel. Choice!
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Scott 282C 10¢ Daniel Webster Faint Bullseye Cancel- Used
US Stamps - SC# 152 - Used - Bullseye Cancel - Large Banknote - SCV = $225.00
Silver Creek Council no. 8 R.T. of T New York Masonic 1890 Bullseye cancel 1c BF
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Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania I.O.O.F. Odd Fellows Secretary envelope Bullseye 3
299 XF used neat fancy bullseye cancel nice color cv $ ! see pic !
Kappys USA #113 1869 3c Locomotive Used, Sound, Nice Sock on Nose Bullseye H607
Tuftonborough New Hampshire Double circle Bullseye cancel on cover Scarce
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Boston Massachusetts Negative 1 in Bullseye Fancy cancel on cover + Letter
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Jonesville New York Purple Bullseye cancel on cover 3c Washington
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US Stamps- SC# 86 - Used - E Grill - 11 X 13mm - Bullseye Cancel - SCV = $450.00
US Stamps - SC# 72 - Used - Bullseye Cancel - SCV = $625.00
U.S. Used Stamp Scott #234 5c Columbian. VF - XF. Bullseye Cancel. Choice!
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1928 OLD FDC George Washington Valley Forge 645 Block of 4 Bullseye Cancel
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1963 President Andrew Jackson 1209 Scarce Postcard FDC & Bullseye Cancel
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USA C128b Mint (NH) Bullseye Perf 11.2
# 1894e Used Bullseye Perf. 11.2 Shiny GUM Flag Over Capitol
United States #65 Used VG Washington Bullseye Cancel
5740-FDC-24c School Bus (Sheet)-Wally Jr Cachet -#23-A-101-Bullseye-Hadley, MA
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Special Delivery bullseye cancels #E22 & E23 FD specialist
# 1894e Used Bullseye Perf. 11.2 Shiny GUM Flag Over Capitol
# 1869e Used Bullseye Perf.11.2 Mottled Tagging Shiny GUM Chester W. Nimitz
United States #65 Used VG Classic Bullseye Cancel Shifted Vertical Straight Edge
US Stamps- SC# 178 - SON Bullseye Cancel - Used - SCV = $15.00
#1711 # 1711c 13c Colorado Centennial Perf 11 & Bullseye 11.2 MNH OG
# 1894e Used Bullseye Perf. 11.2 Shiny GUM Flag Over Capitol
# 1894e Used Bullseye Perf. 11.2 Shiny GUM Flag Over Capitol
# 1867d Used Bullseye Perf.11.2 Large Block Tagging Grenville Clark
# 1894e Used Bullseye Perf. 11.2 Shiny GUM Flag Over Capitol
# 1894e Used Bullseye Perf. 11.2 Shiny GUM Flag Over Capitol
# 1894e Used Bullseye Perf. 11.2 Shiny GUM Flag Over Capitol
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