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1981 United States Scott Catalog Number 1933 Used
4 days, 22h
# 727 Block of 4 First Day Cover with Horn cachet Newburgh, NY - 4-19-1933 - #1
6 days, 8h
4/21/1933 cover USS Macon ZRS-5 First Flight Akron Ohio RS Davis Fresno CA
9 days, 9h
USA 721 Stamp Chicago Illinois Hendrickson Motor Truck CO Advertising Cover 1933
# 728 First Day Cover with Worlds Fair cachet from Chicago, Illinois - 5-25-1933
# 729 First Day Cover with Worlds Fair cachet from Chicago, Illinois - 5-25-1933
#1933 Bobby Jones David C FDC
#2131 Stutz Bearcat 1933 Karen's FDC
1933 Century of Progress Sc C18 Graf Zeppelin 50c MNH nice original gum (Ae
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US AM 33 Abilene,TX 1st Flight 1933 Cover
1933 Lakehurst NJ USA Cover Zeppelin USS Macon ZRS-5 first Flight To Sunnyvale B
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1933 Lakehurst NJ USA Cover Zeppelin USS Macon ZRS-5 first Flight To Sunnyvale
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FDC 1933 SC #729 Purple Cachet - Chicago, ILl - Single - J14336
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FDC 1933 SC #727 Peace Proclamation - Newburgh NY - Single - J14335
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FDC 1933 SC #728 Century Of Progress - Chicago, ILL - Block Of 4 - J14333
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FDC 1933 SC #734 Thaddeus Kosciuszko - Boston, Mass - Single - J14328
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FDC 1933 SC #729 Columbia Envelope Cachet - Chicago, ILL - Single - J14243
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FDC 1933 SC #729 Red Cachet - Chicago, ILL - Single - J14267
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FDC 1933 SC #729 Century Of Progress - Chicago, ILL - PPC - J14271
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FDC 1933 SC #732 A233 NRA Cachet - Washington DC - Single - J14293
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FDC 1933 SC #C20 TransPacific Airmail Svc - San Francisco CA - Single - J14238
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FDC 1933 SC #728 Int'l Expo Chicago - Chicago, ILl - Block Of 4 - J14237
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FDC 1933 SC #729 Federal & Stages Bldg - Chicago, ILL - Single - J14247
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1933 Irvington & MAD RPO Card - J10953
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1933 DUKE'S - Kans City & Caldwell RPO - J11056
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1933 Sala & Chi RPO - J11086
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1933 Southern Railway System Cover / Charles & Atlanta RPO - L41447
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1933 US Postage Stamp Sheets (Scott #730 & 731) Unused Hinged to White Ace Pages
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1933 MARTINI ?? ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILE CAR WW2 WWII German wartime Military photo
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US 727 1933 3c Washington's Headquarters/Peace Treaty of 1783, single on an addressed first day cover with an unknown ca...
US 727 1933 3c Washington's headquarter, Peace treaty of 1783 single on an addressed first day cover with a Lester Lewis...
US 732 1933 3c National Recovery Act (NRA) on a first day cover with a printed address and an unknown cachet.
US 732 1933 3c National Recovery Act (NRA) single on an addressed first day cover with a Linprint cachet.
US 733 1933 3c Byrd second expedition on an addressed first day cover with a Beverly Hills cachet.
US 731a 1933 3c Chicago Century of Progress (block of four imperf from Farley mini-sheet on a typed first day cover with a Roess
US 730a-731a 1933 Century of Progress (set of two, perf varieties) on an addressed first day cover on a Dearborn engraving (1st)
US 1933 50c Baby Zeppelin, Scott C18 MH, value = $45.00
US 732 1933 3c National Recovery Act (NRA) single on an addressed (label) FDC with an I00R cachet
US 720 1933 Franklin D Roosevelt & John Garner (VP) First Inauguration cover on an addressed envelope with an unknown cachet
US 709 1933 Franklin D Roosevelt First Inauguration cover with a typed addressed and A purple/blue green cachet and A 3/4/33 Was
US 729 1933 3c Century of progress (Perf Sheet stamp-block of four) on an addressed (typed) FDC with a Generic cachet from an un
US 932 1933 3c National Recovery act (NRA) single, on an addressed (typed) FDC with a John Gill cachet
US 732 1933 3c National Recovery Act (NRA) single, on an addressed (typed) FDC with a Linn's stamp news cachet
US 932 1933 3c National recovery act (NRA) single, ona an addressed (typed) FDC with a John Gill cachet
US Ship Santa Rosa 1933 NY Also SS Algonquin 1937 Galveston Texas
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US 1933 Zeppelin 50c Stamp Tied Miami, Florida Century of Progress Flight Seal
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US 1933 Presidents of the US 3 CVR W/ Birthplace City & State Signed by the Post
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1933 Maldives Sc# 17 - 25¢ Minaret of Juma Mosque. MH postage stamp Cv$6.50
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