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Peru; Scott 480; 1960; Used
Peru-Mnh** Block-1960.
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Peru 1960 - U - Scott #RA38
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1940 Censored Peru Airmail Cover to Miraflores
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Peru 1960 - MNH - Scott #480
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Peru Scott#476 1960 .50s Maize Terrace - Used
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Peru 1960 - U - Scott #475
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Peru Scott C118 Used 1960
Peru; 1960: Sc. # RA38: Used Single Stamp
Peru C163 - Unused-NG - 80c World Refugee Year / Horse / Plow (1960) (cv $0.50)
Peru Sc 479-82 NH Issue of 1960 - Christmas
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Peru Scott 481 Used 1960 stamp
Peru; 1960: Sc. # 474: Used Single Stamp
Peru 1960 Scott C165 used - 1.00S, International Pacific Fair, map on Cormorant
Peru Scott C117 Used 1960
Peru; 1960: Sc. # 477: Used Single Stamp
SA15 Peru 1940's-1960's selection of used and hinged stamps
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Peru 1860 Costumes MNH VF
1940 Censored Peru Cover Lima to Munich 19 Germany
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Peru 1960 World Refugee Year MNH A17
1910 Trujillo Peru Bank Commercial Cover To New York USA
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Peru Scott RA37 MNHOG - 1960 National Eucharistic Congress - SCV $0.30
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Peru 22 * mint HR pale violet shade (2306B 1160)
Peru C164a 1960 WRY s.s. NH
Peru 1960 Scott 476 used - 0.50s, Maize Terrace-Agriculture
[15095] Peru 1960 World Refugees year Imperf. Sheet MNH
Peru Sc 268-71 Used Issue of 1930 - Arms Overprints
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Peru 1960 Scott 475 used - 0.30S, Ministry of Health Lima
Peru 5 1930 Revenue Stamps Used / to 5s - S28206
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Peru Sc 160 Used Issue of 1900 - President
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Peru #C173A 1961 Rome Olympics 1960 Mint VF NH O.G S/S Imperf.
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SA15 Peru 1930's-1950's selection of used and hinged stamps
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1930 Peru 234Paar Overprint - # 227
Peru; Scott 263; 1930; Unused; NH
Peru Scott C165 MLH International Pacific Trade Fair Air Mail issue of 1960
Peru 1930 Sc 274,292 FU
Peru 1960 World Refugee Year, Minisheet [Mint]
Peru 1960 Mint Air Mail Stamp Scott #C163 World Refugee Year 80 C
Peru 36 mint values pre-1940/specimens
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Peru Scott #268-69, Singles 1930 FVF Used
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Peru 25 mint values pre-1940/specimens
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Peru 2 1930 Deposit Revenue Stamps MH / HR Full Gum - S28205
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Peru - 1960 - SC C163-C164a - MH - Complete Set + Souvenir Sheet - Air Post
Peru 1960 Sc#C163/164 World Refugee Year/Dove (Bird) Set (2) MNH
1940 Chiclayo Peru to Stuttgart Germany cover Registered Airmail
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Peru - 1950 - National Education - Educacion Nacional - Used -
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Peru 1961 Sc#C172/C173 Olympic Games Rome 1960 Set (2) MNH
Peru 20 revenue specimens pre-1940
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