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Lesotho 1972 "Butterflies" #140 - 146 MNH
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Lesotho 1974 SC# 166-9 MNH L156
Lesotho 1974 Youth and Development Sc 151-155 MNH A2280
Lesotho # 1374 MNH
Lesotho 1974 SC# 170-3 MLH L156
Lesotho 166-169, MNH. Michel 166-169. UPU-100, 1974. Map, Horseback mailman,P.O.
Lesotho 1971 Pictorials, Agriculture MUH
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Lesotho 1973 World Food Program FAO Sc 136-139 MNH A2279
Lesotho MNH 1984 #458 2m The Blue Train 1972
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Lesotho 1974 - Celebrating Education - Set of 4 Stamps - Scott #156-9 - MNH
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337781 MNH Lesotho 1974 Puentes
LESOTHO 1971 Birds; Scot 105-11; MNH
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Lesotho 1974 - King Moshoeshoe - Set of 4 Stamps - Scott #170-3 - MNH
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J27501 1971 lesotho set mh #105-11 birds
1971 Lesotho Sc.#102 used ( 1104 BCX2 )
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1999 Lesotho 1474-1482KL Birds 9,00 €
Lesotho 1973 Insects, Butterflies of Lesotho FU
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Lesotho 1970 SC# 75-6 MNH L59
Lesotho 1973 International Kimberlite Conference FU
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Lesotho 1974 100 Years of UPU Universal Postal Union set of 4 MNH
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Lesotho 1970 Tourism Fishing Skiing Horseback riding Holiday Sc 86-90 MNH A1231
Lesotho 1974 Sc#166/169 U.P.U.Centenary-HORSE Set (4) Block of 4 MNH
Lesotho 1971 used from Mohales Hoek
Lesotho 1974 SC# 170-3 Thaba-Bosiu- 150th Anniv: Official Fdc-Mnh Very Fine
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Lesotho 93 Aloe 1971
Lesotho 1971 Soil Conservation, MNH. Scott 112-115, CV $1.00
Lesotho 92 Corn 1971
Lesotho - 1970 Prehistoric Dinosaur Footprints - 5v - Mint NH
Lesotho, Fauna, Birds MNH / 1971
1971 Lesotho Sc# 105-11 MNH** cv. $30 ( 7906 BCXX )
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Lesotho 97 National Flag 1971
Lesotho 1971 Bird SET Mnh**
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337782 MNH Lesotho 1974 150 Aniversario DE Thaba-Bosiu
Lesotho 147-150 Diamonds, Kimberlite Conference Stamp Set MNH 1973
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Lesotho Scott 140-146 Butterfly Set of 1973, MH
Lesotho 1999 - Dogs Pets - Sheet of 6 Stamps - Scott #1174 - MNH
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Lesotho #140-146 Butterflies 1973 MNH
Lesotho Scott 124/127 - SG223/226, 1972 Olympic Games Set MNH**
LESOTHO 1971 - Scott# 105-11 Birds Set of 7 NH
Lesotho Scott 112-115 MNH Soil Conservation & Erosion Control Set of 1971
Lesotho, 1971, Maize, Corn, 1/2c, MLH
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43078 MNH Lesotho 1974 Juventud Y Desarrollo
Lesotho 1973 Butterfly FDC
SA12b Lesotho 1973 World Food Programme mint stamps,
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Lesotho Scott 116/119 - SG215/218, 1971 Development Set MNH**
2005 Lesotho 1947-1949KL 75th anniversary of the first FIFA World Cup 10,00 €
Lesotho 1973 Sc 140-46 Butterfly set MNH
[D*] Lesotho Scott 86/90 - SG186/190, 1970 Tourism Set MH*
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