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Kuwait 1983, Palestine solidarity 3v, imperforated
Kuwait 1983, Virus congress 3v, imperforated
Kuwait 1983 80f UPU Communications, MNH. Scott 920, CV $3.25. Mi 1007
Kuwait 1983 15f UPU Communications, MNH. Scott 918, CV $0.75. Mi 1005
Kuwait Covers Deaver 1980 NO Flap, 1962,1983 ALL to USA
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Kuwait 1983 Viral Disease Conference, MNH. Scott 912-914, CV $4.25. Mi 999-1001
Kuwait Intl Maritime Organisation 2v 1983 MNH SC#910-911 SG#998-999
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Kuwait Medicine Viral Diseases 3v 1983 MNH SC#921-923 SG#1000-1002
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Kuwait Intl Maritime Organisation 2v Blocks of 4 Margin 1983 MNH SC#910-911
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Kuwait 1983 Intl Palestinian Solidarity Day Sc 930-932 MNH A1236
Kuwait 1983 World Environment Day perf set of 3 unmounted...
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Kuwait 1983 25th anniversary of Intl Maritime Organisation Sc 910-911 MNH A2503
Kuwait 1983 World Health Day perf set of 3 unmounted mint...
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Kuwait 1983 Conference on Diseases perf set of 3 unmounte...
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Kuwait 1983 Palestinian Solidarity in blocks of 4, MNH. Scott 930-932, CV $26.00
Kuwait 1983 Viral Disease in blocks, MNH. Scott 912-914, CV $17.00. Mi 999-1001
Kuwait 1983 World Communication Year perf set of 3 unmoun...
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Kuwait 1983 Maritime in blocks of 4, MNH. Scott 910-911, CV $12.00. Mi 997-998
Kuwait 1983 UPU Communication in blocks of 4, MNH. Scott 918-920, CV $21.00
Kuwait - 1983 Parcel Order to Kerala India With Stamps
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Kuwait 1983 AL Ahmadi REG Bank CVR Postage Paid Meter Cancel 31.1.83 on Reverse
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Kuwait #910-11 (1983 International Maritime Organization set) VFMNH CV $3.00
Kuwait #918-20 (1983 World Communications Year set) VFMNH CV $5.25
Kuwait *SAFAT* MISSIONARY Air Cover Switzerland Kefan Optics 1983 CF330
Kuwait 930-32 MNH 1983 International Palestinian Solidarity Day Set
Kuwait - 1983 Selected Stamps ALL Sets - 11v - Mint NH
KUWAIT 1983/84 "Commemorative Sets" MNH
Kuwait Flight Dubai-Kuwait-Frankfurt Germnay 1983 JAN 4
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Kuwait 1983 - U - Scott #907F
Kuwait 1983 Palestinian Solidarity, MNH. Scott 930-932, CV $6.50. Mi 1017-1019
Kuwait 1983 UPU Communications, MNH. Scott 918-920, CV $5.25. Mi 1005-1007
Kuwait 1983 Maritime shipping, MNH. Scott 910-911, CV $3.00. Mi 997-998
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