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SINGAPORE - SG 316 / / 461 - 1980-1983 - used - - seven pages --a
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SINGAPORE 1980 - Scott# 363-6 Flowers Set of 4 NH
SINGAPORE 1980 - Scott# 349-52 Stamp Exhib. Set of 4 NH
SINGAPORE 1980 - Scott# 356-9 Submarine Cable Set of 4 NH
SINGAPORE 1980 - Scott# 353-5 Provident Fund Set of 3 NH
SINGAPORE 1980 - Scott# 349-52 Stamp Exhib. Set of 4 Used
SINGAPORE 1980 - Scott# 346-8 Ships $2-10 Used
SINGAPORE 1980 - Scott# 336-48 Sailships Set of 13 NH
Singapore 1980 SG376 used $10 definitive issue: ships
Singapore 1980 SG375 used $5 definitive issue: ships
Singapore Flowers 1980 Flora Plant (stamp) MNH
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SINGAPORE 2011 Centenary of Aviation Set of 5V CTO SG#1980-1984
Singapore 363-366, MNH. Michel 369-372. Flowers 1980. Ixora, Allamanda,Sky vine,
Singapore 1980 (MNH) Tree Planting Day plate blocks
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SINGAPORE 1980 - Scott# 360-1 Trade Fair 10-35c Used
SINGAPORE 1980 - Scott# 363-4 Flowers 10-35c Used
SINGAPORE 1980 - Scott# 357 Submarine Cable 35c Used
SINGAPORE 1980 - Scott# 360-2 Trade Fair Set of 3 NH
SINGAPORE 1980 - Scott# 356 Submarine Cable 10c Used
SINGAPORE 1980 - Scott# 342 Galleon 35c Used
Singapore 1980 SG367 used 15c definitive issue: ships
Singapore 1980 Scott 338 used - 10c, Ship, Fujian Junk
Singapore 345 (O) "1980" Le $1.00
Singapore 363 (O) "1980" Le $0.10
Singapore 354 (O) "1980" Le $0.50
Singapore 347 (O) "1980" Le $5.00 ($$)
Singapore 346 (O) "1980" Le $2.00
Singapore 1980 SG368 used 20c definitive issue: ships
collection on pages Singapore to 1980 JE: CV $505
Singapore #340 used 1980 ships 20c
Singapore 1980 Sc 360-2 Asean Trade Fair MNH
Singapore #344 used 1980 ships 75c
Singapore + Malaysia 1980's-90's Group of 26 Covers to US
Singapore 1980, Scott #363-66, MNH Flowers
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Singapore 349-352,352a,MNH.Michel 355-358,Bl.12. Stamp EXPO LONDON-1980,Map.
Singapore 371-374,MNH. Technical Training-Woodworking,Building Construction,1980
Singapore 1980 SC# 338 Ship Used
Singapore Sg368 1980 20c Ships Fine Used
Singapore 1980 Ships Definitives $10 Sg376 Used
Singapore Sg373 1980 $1 Ships Fine Used
SINGAPORE 1980 QEII 75c Multicoloured, Ships-Jiangsu Trader SG372 FU
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SINGAPORE SC#336-344 Visiting Ships Definitives Set (1980) MNH
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Singapore 1980 Ships Definitives $10 Sg376 Used
Singapore Sg361/3 1980 Botanic Gardens Used
Singapore Sg375 1980 $5 Ships Fine Used
Singapore 345-48 Used 1980 high values of set (ak1704)
Singapore; 1980: Sc. # 345: Used Single Stamp
SINGAPORE SC#336-348 Visiting Ships - Complete Set (1980) Used
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