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Sharjah 1963 SG41var 40np on 4np in horiz pair OVPT INVERTED UM
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Sharjah 1963 SG40var 30np on 3np corner block of 4 OVPT INVERTED UM
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Sharjah 1963 SG41var 40np on 4np corner block of 4 OVPT INVERTED UM
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Sharjah 1972 Mi#1258-1263 Walt Disney Films, Pinocchio sheetlet CTO
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Sharjah 1963 SG40var 30np on 3np corner block of 6 OVPT INVERTED UM
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Sharjah 1963 SG41var 40np on 4np in vertical pair OVPT INVERTED UM
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Sharjah 1972 Mi#1258-1263 Walt Disney Characters, Pinocchio sheetlet CTO
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Sharjah 1963 SG43var 80np on 90np corner block of 6 OVPT SHIFTED UM
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Sharjah 1963 SG40var 30np on 3np CYLINDER block of 4 OVPT INVERTED UM
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Sharjah 1963 SG40var 30np on 3np in pair OVPT INVERTED UM
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Sharjah 1963 SG40var 30np on 3np in vertical pair OVPT INVERTED UM
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Sharjah 1963 SG38var 10np on 1np block of 4 OVPTS printed on reverse UM
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Sharjah 1963 SG41var 40np on 4np corner block of 6 OVPT INVERTED UM
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Sharjah 1963 SG39var 20np on 2np vertical pair OVPT INVERTED UM
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Sharjah 1963 SG40var 30np on 3np in pair OVPT INVERTED UM
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Sharjah 1963 SG39var 20np on 2np CYLINDER block of 4 OVPT INVERTED UM
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Sharjah 1963 SG41var 40np on 4np corner block of 4 OVPT INVERTED UM
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Sharjah 1963 SG41var 40np on 4np CYLINDER block of 4 OVPT INVERTED UM
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Sharjah 1963 SG40var 30np on 3np corner block of 4 OVPT INVERTED UM
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Sharjah 1963 SG38var 10np on 1np strip of 3 OVPT DOUBLE on one stamp UM
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Sharjah - UAE 1963 Malaria Eradication Health Mosquito Sc 16-19 Set MNH # 13101A
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Sharjah 1963 SG39var 20np on 2np in pair OVPT INVERTED mint
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SHARJAH UAE 1963 Sc 22-27 Red Crescent MNH Complete Set Blocks of Stamps CV$13
Sharjah 1963 SG38var 10np on 1np corner block of 4 OVPT DOUBLE UM
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