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072 - ROMANIA 1990 - Martha Bibescu - Writer - ERROR - Point - MNH
075 - ROMANIA 1990 - Titu Maiorescu - Writer - ERROR - Point - MNH
076 - ROMANIA 1990 - Ienachita Vacarescu - Poet - Writer - ERROR - MNH
078 - ROMANIA 1990 - Ienachita Vacarescu - Poet - Writer - ERROR - MNH
079 - ROMANIA 1990 - Ienachita Vacarescu - Poet - Writer - ERROR - MNH
080 - ROMANIA 1990 - Ienachita Vacarescu - Poet - Writer - ERROR - MNH
Romania 1990 STAMPS Italy World Cup football MNH POST SPORT MS and SET
SA15c Romania 1990 The Revolution of 1989 used block
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SA15d Romania 1990 FIFA World Cup Italy '90 used stamps
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Romania 1990 Dogs Set Sc 3610-3617 MNH
Romania 1990 STAMPS Van Gogh Paintings Artist MNH POST BLOCKS
Romania 1990, World Cup Football s/s
Romania 1990, World Cup Football Winners s/s
Romania 1990 Scott 3610 CTO - 50b, dog show, German Shepherd
Romania 1990 - FDI - Scott #3627
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Romania #B449-56 (1990 December Revolution set) VFMNH CV $2.85
Romania 1990 - FDI - Scott #3611
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Romania 1990 - FDI - Scott #3612
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Romania 1990 - FDI - Scott #3621
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Romania 1990 - FDI - Scott #3604
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Romania 1990 - FDI - Scott #3596
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Romania 1990 - U - Scott #3626
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Romania 1990 - U - Scott #3620
Or Best Offer
Romania 1990 - U - Scott #3610
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Romania 1990 - U - Scott #3602
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Romania 1990 Sc 569,572 FU
Romania 1990 Sc 3633 set MNH
[101397] Romania 1990 World cup football soccer flags Imperf. Sheet MNH
Romania Sc # 3609.1 CPL MNH Imperf S/S - 1990 Italy Fifa World CUP Soccer
Romania (1990) #3605 CTO; top value of the set
Romania (1990) #3617 (1) used; top value of the set
Romania 1990 Scott 3626 CTO - 50b, Constantin Cantacuzino, Historian
1990 Romania 4602/B262b 1990 FIFA World Cup in Italy 15,00 €
Romania (1990) #3605 (1) used; top value of the set
Romania Postcard 1990 Beethoven Classical Music Special Marking Post
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Romania 1990 Football Soccer World Cup Italy 1990 Mi. 4594/4601 Used
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[112324] Romania 1990 World Cup football soccer Italy MNH
Romania Stamps 1990 Martha Bibescu LOT Errors MNH Post Study
Romania (1990) Sc 3594 MNH. Stock photo
1990 Romania 4594-4601 1990 FIFA World Cup in Italy 5,80 €
Romania 1990 Breeds of Dogs Pet Animals Sc 3610-17 MNH # 1359
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Romania STAMPS 1990 National uprising 1 year ERROR POST USED REVOLUTION
Romania Postcard 1990 Eminescu National Poet Special Marking Chisinau
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ROMANIA 1990 - Cover Used-with 3108 Wooden Spoon Etc.
ROMANIA Sc 3610-7 NH issue of 1990 - DOGS
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Romania 1990 Football Soccer FIFA World Cup Italy (2) set of 8 + S/S MNH
Romania #3610-17 (1990 Dogs set) VFMNH CV $4.30
ROMANIA 1990 - Cover Used-3251 Author Rebreanu Etc.
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