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New Zealand Sc#458 Used, $2 ol & multi, Definitives (1970-76) (1971)
New Zealand Sc#455 Used, 30c tan & multi, Definitives (1970-76) (1971)
New Zealand Sc#450 Used, 15c brick red, sal & blk, Definitives (1970-76) (1971)
New Zealand Sc#481 Used, 3c multi, Christmas 1971 (1971)
New Zealand Sc#482 Used, 4c multi, Christmas 1971 (1971)
New Zealand Sc#469 Used, 4c multi, 50 Years Country Women's Institutes (1971)
New Zealand Sc#476 Used, 6c dk bl, pur & grn, (1971)
New Zealand Sc#481 Used, 3c multi, Christmas 1971 (1971)
New Zealand Scott 471-2 MH* 1971 Yacht race set
New Zealand Sc#481 Used, 3c multi, Christmas 1971 (1971)
New Zealand Sc#453 Used, 23c bl, grn & blk, Definitives (1970-76) (1971)
New Zealand Sc#454 Used, 25c gray & multi, Definitives (1970-76) (1971)
New Zealand Sc#469 Used, 4c multi, Commemoratives 1971 (1971)
New Zealand Sc#474 Used, 4c multi, City Centenaries (1971)
New Zealand Sc#481 Used, 3c multi, Christmas 1971 (1971)
New Zealand Sc#454 Used, 25c gray & multi, Definitives (1970-76) (1971)
New Zealand Sc#B84 Used, 5c+1c multi, Health Stamps 1971 (1971)
New Zealand Sc#B83 Used, 4c+1c multi, Health Stamps 1971 (1971)
New Zealand Sc#450 Used, 15c brick red, sal & blk, Definitives (1970-76) (1971)
NEW ZEALAND 1971 Centenaries commem FDC.....................................E976
NEW ZEALAND 1971 Antarctic Treaty commem FDC................................E975
New Zealand #481-483 Christmas 1971 (MNH) CV $1.00
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New Zealand 1971 #476, Map of Antarctica, MNH.
New Zealand 1971 MNH Scott #B80a Minisheet of 6: Girls playing basketball
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New Zealand Sc#458 Used, $2 ol & multi, Definitives (1970-76) (1971)
New Zealand Sc#457 Used, $1 lt ultra & multi, Definitives (1970-76) (1971)
New Zealand Sc#454 Used, 25c gray & multi, Definitives (1970-76) (1971)
New Zealand Sc#474 Used, 4c multi, City Centenaries (1971)
New Zealand Sc#481 Used, 3c multi, Christmas 1971 (1971)
New Zealand Sc#487 Used, 1c multi, Ernest Rutherford (1971)
New Zealand Sc#480 Used, 4c on 2½c multi, Definitives (1970-76) (1971)
New Zealand Sc#455 Used, 30c tan & multi, Definitives (1970-76) (1971)
New Zealand Sc#456 Used, 50c sl grn & multi, Definitives (1970-76) (1971)
New Zealand Sc#454 Used, 25c gray & multi, Definitives (1970-76) (1971)
New Zealand Sc#483 MNH, 10c multi, Christmas 1971 (1971)
New Zealand 457-58 1971 2 values FVF Mint NH
New Zealand 481-3 FDC - Christmas Issue 1971
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New Zealand 1971 #487-8, Wholesale lot of 5, MNH,CV $5
New Zealand 1971 #477, UNICEF, MNH.
New Zealand Sc#483 Used, 10c multi, Christmas 1971 (1971)
New Zealand Sc#453 Used, 23c bl, grn & blk, Definitives (1970-76) (1971)
New Zealand Sc#480a Used, 4c on 2½c multi, Definitives (1970-76) (1971)
New Zealand Sc#455 Used, 30c tan & multi, Definitives (1970-76) (1971)
New Zealand Sc#456 Used, 50c sl grn & multi, Definitives (1970-76) (1971)
NEW ZEALAND B 83 Used 1971 School Dental Service
NEW ZEALAND 1971 Satellite FDC - special Warkworth cancel..................87740
New Zealand Sc#473 Used, 3c multi, City Centenaries (1971)
New Zealand 1971 - U - Scott #482
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