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Latvia 2009, Mushrooms booklet pair, MNH
Latvia Lettland Lettonie 2009 Lighthouse Liepaja stamp MNH
2009 EUROPE CEPT Latvia 2 Minifheets Astronomy MNH**
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Latvia Sc 729 2009 8th Century Brooch stamp mint NH
Latvia 2009 Europa sheet Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
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Latvia Sc 738 2009 Basketball stamp sheet mint NH
EUROPA 2009 - Latvia - Astronomy - MNH Set - Tete Bech
Latvia - 2009 - Lighthouse - Liepajas Baka - 63 -
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2009 Latvia Basketball (2) (Scott 736-37) MNH
Latvia Scott# 740 Used (2009 Steam Locomotive)
Latvia Scott# 734 Used (2009 National Museum of History)
2009 Latvia 759 National Museum
Latvia Scott# 733 MNH (2009 International Year of Astronomy)
2009 Latvia 764 400 years of the city of Bauska
Kappystamps Latvia 2009 Preserve the Polar Regions Souvenir Sheet Mint NH Gs1559
Latvia, 2009, Berries, 60s, used++
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Latvia Sc 742-3 2009 Berries Mushroom stamp set mint NH
Latvia 2009 Womens Basketball set of 3 + S/S MNH**
Latvia 2009 Plants Fruits Berries Mi. 767 Used
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Latvia Scott# 731a Used (2009 Polar Bear)
Latvia Sc 747-9 2009 91st Yr Independence stamp set mint NH
Latvia Scott# 733 MNH (2009 International Year of Astronomy)
Latvia Scott# 743a MNH Tete Beche Pair (2009 Mushroom)
Latvia 2009 Polar Regions perf m/sheet unmounted mint
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Latvia 2009 Art Decorations MNH**
Latvia Scott# 737 Used (2009 Basketball)
Latvia Scott# 730 MNH (2009 Dancing Boy and Animals Folk Tale)
Latvia 2009 100 Years of Republic Set of 3 MNH**
Latvia cover airmail to Escondido CA: 13 APR 2009
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Latvia Sc 732-33 NH Issue of 2009 - Europa - Minisheets - (Js23)
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Latvia #730 Used From 2009
2009 Latvia 763/B27 Basketball
2009 Latvia Astronomy - Europa (Scott 732-33) MNH
Latvia 2009 Architecture Castles 400th Anniversary of Bauska MNH**
Latvia 2009 MNH Sc 748 40s Proclamation of Republic Sheet of 8 plus label
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Latvia 2009 Berries and Mushrooms MNH**
Latvia 2009 MNH Sc 749 100s Constitutional Assembly Sheet of 8 plus label
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Latvia Scott# 727 Used (2009 Belozi Town Arms)
Latvia 2009 Fairy Tales MUH
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Latvia 2009, Mushrooms booklet, MNH
Latvia 2009 Europa Space & Astronomy FU
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