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India #700 used 2024 SCV = $1.30
SA39g India, Hyderabad 1930 Seal of the Nizam overprinted used stamp
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India China Expedition Force 1900 C.E.F. Overprinted QV 1r
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INDIA Indian States HYDERABAD 1871-1930 Seven used stamps, 5 different, F-VF
India 1910, Receipt with stamp
India 1900 2a 6p Sg118 Fine Used
India 1900 Sc 55,58-59 FU
India SG 1230-6 MOG (5eau)
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EDSROOM-19066 India M9 H 1900 China Expeditionary Force CV$30
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India 1900 Sc 57-9 FU
India SG 1390-3 MOG (2eam)
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Birds : India # 1910 MNH
India 1931 1 Annas Council House used SG 228 ( L1384 )
India, 1900, Queen Victoria, 1a, used
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India # 1390 MNH Golf
India SG 1830-3 Shell MOG (7eau)
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India Charhari State 1931 1/2 Anna Green Used SG 45 ( K180 )
India Jind 1903 Sc 67-72 MH
India 1930 Cover Kavali to USA - Z11690
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India Charhari State 1931 2 Anna Imilia Palace used SG 47 ( K181 )
India Sc# C5 Used (b) 1929-1930 8a Air Post
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India sc 1030 u
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India 2001 4r Stork, Scott 1910 used, value = $1.00
12. India 1931 Inauguration of New Delhi star watermark
Hyberabad Victory 1931 used.
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Malaya Jahore 1930 Cover to South India - Z5825
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India Hyderabad O45 USED 1930 Seal of Nizam O/P
India Gwalior 1900 Sc O7,O9 FU
India Sg124 1903 2a Violet Used
India 1930's Cash Certificates
India -Gwalior Scott #O12-O20 1903-08 Official Overprints (10Mm) - Mint LH
India (Hyderabad) 1930 #37 & 38 U SCV (2024) = $0.50
India (Hyderabad) 1930 #O44 (U) & O45 (MNG) SCV (2024) = $2.50
India 1931 #O79 U SCV (2024) = $0.40
India (Morvi) 1931 #12a MH SCV (2024) = $15.00
India 1900 #58 U SCV (2024) = $2.75
SA19g India 1900's - 1930's, selection of used stamps overprinted "Service"
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1910 India Vintage Cover To Bury England
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India (Morvi) 1931 #11 & 11a MH SCV (2024) = $12.50
India 58 (used) 2a Queen Victoria, vio (1900)
India (Patialia) 1903 #O21 U SCV (2024) = $0.25
India 55 (used, heavy toning) 3p Victoria, gray (1900)
India (Hyderabad) 1931 #O39 & O40 U SCV (2024) = $0.50
India Used in Burma 1930 REG
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India 1937 #150 - 153 U SCV (2024) = $1.30
India 57 (used) 1a Queen Victoria, car rose (1900)
India Gwalior 2 Diff. 1930'S
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1931 British India Airmail Cover Calcutta GPO to London W1 England
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