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Faroe Islands 1996 MNH Sc #295 4.50k Rocky coastline
Or Best Offer
Faroe Island Denmark 1996 complete and sealed MNH year set
Faroe Islands #304 MNH 1996 children `s drawings sheet
1996 Faroe Island Europe CEPT MNH** Stamp A20P25F1614-
Faroe Islands 1996 MNH Sc #296 4k Ptilota plumosa Seaweeds
Or Best Offer
Faroe Islands 1996 Birds booklet #301a CTO used CV $14.00
Faroe Islands Sc 300-301 1996 Birds stamp set mint NH
Faroe Islands - 1994 - Scott #263 - MNH - Fish
Faroe Islands 1995 Local Insects (4v Cpt, B/4) MNH CV$44
3h 47m
Faroe Islands Sc 301a 1996 Birds stamp booklet pane mint NH
Faroe Islands - 1994 - Scott #262 - MNH - Fish
Faroe Is 1996 Birds FU
Faroe Is 1996 Seaweed MUH
Faroe Is 1996 Christianschurch booklet pane FU
Faroe Is 1996 Klaksvig Church MUH
Faroe Islands - 1996 - Scott #310-11 - used - Christianschurch, Klaksvik
Faroe Islands 295 Rocky Coastline 1996
Faroe Is 1996 Rocky Coastline FU
Faroe Is 1996 Works of Art FU
Faroe Is 1996-98 Coastline & Map FU
Faroe Islands - 1996 - Scott #310-311 - used - Klaksvik Church
Faroe Islands 1986 Official Yearset
Faroe Is 1996 Europa, Famous Women MUH
Faroe Islands 1990 Official Yearset
Faroe Is 1996 Klaksvig Church booklet MUH
Faroe Islands 1991 Official Yearset
Faroe Is 1996 Birds booklet pane FU
Faroe Islands 1992 Official Yearset
Faroe Is 1996 Europa, Faroese Women FU
Faroe Islands - 1996 - Scott #302 - used - Europa Art
Faroe Islands - 1993 - Scott #247-249 - MNH - Nordic House Entertainers
Faroe Is 1996 Invasion Birds booklet MUH
Faroe Islands - 1996 - Scott #307 - used - Modern Art Kamban Sheep
Faroe Islands 1994 Scott 267 used - 4.00Kr, Faroese Sheepdog
Faroe Islands - 1996 - Scott #302-303 - used - Europa
Faroe Islands - 1996 - Scott #305-306 - MNH - Map
Faroe Islands - 1994 - Scott #264-265 - used pair - Religion St. Brendan
Faroe Is 1996 Drawings by Children, StampEx MS MUH
Faroe Islands - 1996 - Scott #296-299 - MNH - Seaweed
Faroe Islands - 1996 - Scott #295 - used - Landscape
Faroe Is 1996 Map of Faroe is MUH
Faroe Islands - 1996 - Scott #310 - used - Church
Faroe Islands - 1996 - Scott #300-301 - used - Birds
Faroe Is 1996 Art by Janus Kamban MUH
Faroe Islands - 1996 - Scott #314 - used - Bird Redpoll
Faroe Islands - 1996 - Scott #302-303 - MNH - Europa
Faroe Islands - 1996 Lake Seaweed / Flowers / Plants 4v MNH
Or Best Offer
Faroe Islands - 1996 - Scott #296-299 - MNH - Seaweed
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