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Austria Sc#B3 MH/Unused, 3h+1h vio brn, War Widows and Orphans Relief (1915)
1915? Austria Feldpost KuK Postcard Cover Luftahrtruppen 8 Air Force Luftwaffe
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1915 Austria Feldpost KuK Postcard Cover Luftahrtruppen Air Force Luftwaffe
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Austria - 1915 - Scott #B5 - mint - Siege Gun
Austria 1915 Issue Fine Used 60h. NW-119543
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AUSTRIA WWI 1915 3h War Welfare Charity stamp, Cinderella, Mint NH
AUSTRIA/HUNGARY, 1915 “Fliegerpost Przemysl”, bold strike, Flight No. 6-8,
AUSTRIA/HUNGARY 1915, Naval postcard, "NOVARA"
Austria 1915 Scott #B4 MLH
Austria 1915 Scott B5 used - 10h +2h, Siege gun
Austria 1915 Issue Fine Used 3h. NW-119528
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Austria 1915 Issue Fine Used 5h. NW-119529
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AUSTRIA WWI 1915 3h War Welfare Charity stamp, Cinderella, Mint NH
Austria 1915 Scott #B7 used
Austria - 1915 - Scott #B3 - used - violet NEZAMISLITZ pmk Czech Republic
Austria 1915 Scott #M22 MH
AUSTRIA; 1915 early F. Joseph KUK FELDPOST used 6h. POSTMARK PIECE
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Austria - 1915 - Scott #B5 - MH - Siege Gun
1915 Austria 180,182 MLH Soldiers and Artillery
Austria 1915 Scott B5 MH - 10h +2h, Siege gun
Austria 1915 Issue Fine Used 35h. NW-119539
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Austria - 1915 - Scott #B7 - used - Airplane
Austria 1915 Scott #M40 MH
Austria 1915 Scott #M29 MH
1915 Austria Feldpost KuK Postcard Cover Luftahrtruppen 8 Air Force Luftwaffe
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AUSTRIA; 1915 Military Post F. Joseph issue used 1K. value
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Austria 1915 Scott B4 MH - 5h +2h, Cavalry
Austria 1915 Scott #M24 MH
Austria 1915 Scott #M4 MH
Austria 1915 Scott #M19 used on piece with military field CDS
Austria 1915 Scott #B3 used
Austria 1915 Scott #M22-48 used
AUSTRIA; 1915 early F. Joseph KUK FELDPOST used 12h. POSTMARK PIECE
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1915 Lwow Austria Early Airmail Cover To Vienna Sc#C1-C3
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1915 Austria Color Picture Postcard cover WWI Army Soldiers Preparing For Firing
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Austria 1915 Scott #B7 MH
Austria 1915 Scott #B4 MNH
AUSTRIA/HUNGARY 1915, Naval postcard, "ERZHERNOG"
Austria - 1915 - Scott #B4 - used - violet cancellation
Austria 1915 Scott #B5 MH
1915 KUK Feldpost Austria Official Red Cross RPPC Postcard Cover To Vienna
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Austria 1981 Austrian Modern Art stamp. MNH. Sg 1915
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Austria 1915 Scott #M1-21 MH
Austria 1915 Scott #B3 MNH
1915 Vienna Austria Picture Postcard Cover Italian Airship Balloon Citta Di
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Austria - 1915 - Scott #B7 - used - Airplane - violet cancellation
1915 Vienna Austria Airmail Cover To Prague Czechoslovakia Sc. #C34 & 43
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Austria - 1915 - Scott #B5 - used - KROISBACH pmk
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