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Tanzania 942 Vexillum Rugosum 1992
Tanzania 941 Cypraecassis Rufa 1992
Tanzania 978 - Cto - 5sh Superb Starling (1992) (cv $0.80)
Tanzania 820 Aphyosemion Bivittatum 1992
Tanzania 821 Synanceia Verrucosa 1992
Tanzania; Scott 886; 1992; Unused; NH
Tanzania, #1018-1024 Used From 1992, CV-$7.15
Tanzania, #1019 Used Block Of 4, From 1992, CV-$2.40
Tanzania; Scott 1018; 1992; Precanceled; NH; Boxing
Tanzania 1992 Scott 985B CTO - 30sh, Makonde Art, Carved Head
Tanzania 1992 Scott 978 CTO - 5sh, Bird, Superb Starling, Lamprotornis superbus
Tanzania 1992 - Scott #992
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Tanzania 1992 Scott 967C CTO - 50sh, Cat, Persian Black, Felis silvestris catus
Tanzania 1992 Scott 967B CTO - 30sh, Cat, Havana Brown, Felis silvestris catus
Tanzania 1992 Pope's Visits 1982-83 perf sheet of 16 cont...
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Tanzania 941 Cypraecassis Rufa 1992
Tanzania 941 Cypraecassis Rufa 1992
Tanzania 985I-985O,985P,MNH.Michel 1437-1443,Bl.209. Bicycles, 1992.
Tanzania 967C Persian Black Cat 1992
Tanzania 967C Persian Black Cat 1992
Tanzania 985I-985O, MNH. Michel 1437-1443. Bicycles, 1992.
Tanzania 1990 - 1992 Barcelona Olympics, Cycling - Souvenir Sheet - 657 - MNH
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Tanzania 821 Synanceia Verrucosa 1992
Tanzania 979 Canary 1992
Tanzania; Scott 989; 1992; Precanceled; NH
Tanzania, #1018 Used Block Of 4, From 1992, CV-$1.40
Tanzania 1992 #940-6, Shells, MNH.
Tanzania - 1992 - M/S - Monkeys - the Chimpanzees of Gombe -
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Tanzania 810 MNH 1992 Bruce Lee sheet of 9 (an5840)
Tanzania 943 Conus Litteratus 1992
Tanzania 941 Cypraecassis Rufa 1992
Dar-es-Salaam Commercial *AIR TANZANIA* ETIQUETTE Cover OLYMPIC SNOOKER 1992 CA7
Tanzania; Scott 967A, 967C, 967D, 967E, 967F; 1992; Precanceled; NH; Cats
Tanzania 983 Yellow-Billed Ox-Pecker 1992
Tanzania 983 Yellow-Billed Ox-Pecker 1992
Tanzania; Scott 989; 1992; Precanceled; NH
Tanzania 1992 #947 S/S, Shells, MNH.
Tanzania 1992 - National Bank of Commerce, 25 Years - Set of 4v - 878-81 - MNH
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Tanzania; Scott 967A-967F; 1992; Precanceled; NH; Cats
Tanzania Scott 958 MNH 150/- African Elephant issue of 1992
Tanzania 978 Superb Starling 1992
Tanzania 978 Superb Starling 1992
Tanzania 1992 - Voyager 2 Intl Space Year - Souvenir Stamp Sheet Scott 964 - MNH
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Tanzania 1992 - Chimpanzees of Gombe Park, Family - Souvenir Sheet - 877 - MNH
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Tanzania 1992 Makonde Art Curved Mask Sc 985A-H 7v+ M/s MNH # 6260
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Tanzania; Scott 1018-1023; 1992; Precanceled; NH
Tanzania Sc 808-811 MNH. 1992 Entertainers, 4 sheets of 9 different VF. Elvis
Tanzania SC# 816-22 F-Vf U 1992
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