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Switzerland 1940 MNH SC 200b-202b Smooth Paper XF $120 (216)
4 days, 2h
Switzerland 2005 Football Soccer EURO 2008 Mi.1925 FDC
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Switzerland 2005 Football Soccer EURO 2008 Mi.1925 Sheet Used
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Switzerland 1933 MNH SC 200a-203a SET Grilled GUM XF $425 (216)
4 days, 2h
Switzerland 2007 Football Soccer EURO 2008 Mi.1997 FDC
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Switzerland - #CVP*** 2005 Flag - Used
Switzerland #200b Used Single
Switzerland #1089-1092 cancelled 2000 / 2001 tourism
Switzerland 2008,Sc.#1312 used, Europa 2008 - Letters
2002 Switzerland 1817 Birds
Switzerland 2002,Sc.#1131 used, Titanite
Switzerland - #1226 - 1227 Christmas 2005 set/2 - Used
Switzerland #200A Used Single
2000, Switzerland 200c, Used, Sc 1089
Or Best Offer
Switzerland 2003,Sc.#1154 used. Rutilated Quartz
Switzerland 2005 FRAMA CTO
Switzerland #1130 used 2002 minerals 200c quartz crystal
Switzerland 2005 Xmas CTO
Switzerland - #1293 Christmas 2007 - Used
Switzerland 2005 UPU CTO
Switzerland 2006 Scott 1250 used - 200c, Fruits, Cherry
Switzerland 2005 Sc 1205 Car MNH
Switzerland, #1348 Used From 2009
Switzerland Stamp #200b-202b never hinged
2005 - SWITZERLAND, Swiss Papal Guards - Sc# 1224-1225 - MNH**
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Switzerland ( Expo 2002 ) ~ Cplt Set of 4 ~ Used, cto (2002)
Switzerland, Postage Stamp, #1079//1147 Used, 2000-2003
Switzerland #200a-203a Used
[119474] Switzerland 2005 Sports Football soccer MNH
Switzerland #200a-201a Unused
Switzerland 2000 Scott 1076 used - 130c, Tourism & Gastronomy
Switzerland 2007 Football Soccer EURO 2008 Mi.1997 Sheet Used
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Switzerland 2006 Football Soccer EURO 2008 Mi.1959 Sheet Used
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Switzerland 2008,Sc.#1312 used, Europa 2008 - Letters
Switzerland 2000 Stamps Exhibition NABA 2000 Mi. Bl.30 Used
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Switzerland 2005 Map of Africa - Matterhorn Mi.1914 FDC
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Switzerland 2005 Cars Auto Saloon Mi.Bl.38 Used
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Switzerland 2005 Greeting Stamps Butterflies Mi.1926 Used
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Switzerland 2005 Paul Klee Center Modern Art Mi.1922 Sheet Used
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Switzerland 2005 Comics Mouses Mi.1915-6 2 Sheets FDC
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Switzerland 2005 Europa CTO
Switzerland 2003 Horses Sc. 1139 FDC
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Switzerland 2005 Matterhorn CTO
Switzerland 2003 Farming Village Butterflies FDC
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Switzerland 2005 Butterflies CTO
Switzerland 2005 Paul Klee Center Modern Art Mi.1922 Sheet FDC
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Switzerland - #1293 Christmas 2007 - Used
Switzerland - #1364 Christmas 2009 - Used
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