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Sri Lanka
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Ceylon#200-205+204a " George V" (U) CV $6.65
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Ceylon - Scott #289 - Used - Crease at top, pencil/rev. - SCV $11.00
Ceylon 204 VFU W154-1
Ceylon 1958 Sc#357/358 Human Rights Declaration Set (3) Used
1953 Ceylon Airmail QE2 Coronation First Day Cover FDC Colombo to London England
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Sri Lanka 566 Used 1979 issue (ak2507)
Ceylon 1962 Sc# 364 MALARIA-MOSQUITO-WHO Set (1) F.D.C.
Ceylon 329 VFU Coconuts K119
Sri Lanka #482 85c Bandaranaike Conference Hall
Ceylon - Scott #66 - Used - Toning, clipped wing margin at right - SCV $7.25
Ceylon - Scott #344 - MNH - SCV $11
Ceylon LOT STAMPS Early Classic Issue Used Perforated VF
Ceylon #192 Cat$45, 1905 1r50c gray, hinged
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Ceylon #331 1956 House of Representatives F-Vf Used C
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Ceylon - Scott #275-277 - MH - SCV $8.00
Ceylon 310 VFU R1013-2
Ceylon 334-35 MOG L406
Ceylon - Scott #155 - Used - Pencil/rev. - SCV $3.75
Ceylon - Scott #383 - MH - SCV $3.25
Ceylon - Sri Lanka 1960 World Refugee Year Sc# 360-61 Tree Hand Private FDC
Ceylon 207 Used 1912 issue (ak6069)
Ceylon 329 VFU R970
Ceylon - Scott #289 - Used - Pencil on reverse - SCV $11.00
CEYLON - UN WHO - Overseas Mailers
Ceylon #234 Used
Ceylon #212 Cat$47.50, 1912 5r black and green, used
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Ceylon 275-77 Used 1937 KGVI Coronation (an8253)
Ceylon 85 used
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Ceylon #291 1941 3c on 6c King George VI & Colombo Harbor Mint VF LH O.Gaa
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Ceylon #229 1921 5c King George V F-Vf Used a
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Sri Lanka # 613 ~ Used
Ceylon - Scott #213 - Used - See description - SCV $105 for postally used
Ceylon - Scott #288 - Used - SCV $4.00
Ceylon 275-77 MNH 1937 KGVI Coronation (an2264)
Sri Lanka 880 MH 1988 issue (ak4554)
Ceylon 233 used
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1945 RAF Koggala Ceylon To Bombay India Honor Envelope Censored Free Mail Cover
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1902 Ceylon Cover Dikoya to Parliament Hill London England
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ICOLLECTZONE Ceylon 291 block VF NH
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Ceylon #182 1904 6c King Edward VII F-Vf Used a
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Ceylon #209 1912 50c King George V F-Vf Used
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Ceylon #MR1-MR4b "War Tax Stamps" complete" (U) CV $6.25
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Ceylon #53f unused no gum brown 21mm high wmk a23.4 9097
Ceylon #124 Cat$26, 1885 5c on 8c lilac, hinged
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Ceylon - Scott #275-277 - MH - SCV $8.00
Ceylon - Scott #141 - Used - SCV $9.50
Sri Lanka 470 Used 1972 issue (an1737)
59560 - Ceylon - Postal History: FDC Cover to Israel! 1959
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