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Stamps - Somaliland - Scott# 64,65,67 - Mint Hinged & Used Part Set of 3 Stamps
6 days, 6h
Somaliland Protectorate #77-80 Cat$17, 1935 Silver Jubilee, set of four, hinged
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Stamps - Somaliland - Scott# 77 - Mint Hinged Part Set of 1 Stamp
8 days, 2h
Somaliland Protectorate #96-107 Unused Single (Complete Set)
Stamps - Somaliland - Scott# 27-28 - Mint Hinged & Used Part Set of 2 Stamps
8 days, 2h
Somaliland Protectorate Stamps Scott 84-95 SG 93-104 KGVI Lightly Hinged
Somaliland # 96-107 Definitives 1942 complete (12) Mint NH
SOMALILAND Protectorate 1937 Sc 82-83, Mint MNH VF Coronation
Somaliland 1999 WEDDING PRINCE EDWARD & SOPHIE RHYS JONES Perforated Mint (NH)
Somaliland Protectorate #27-39S (SG 32-44s) Cat£225, 1904 Edward, 1/2a-5r, c...
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SOMALILAND Protectorate 1903 Sc 5, Mint LH VF 3a QV
Somaliland Protectorate 84-95 - MNH - Fresh
Somaliland Protectorate - #91 - Unused - SCV-11.00
Somaliland 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee 3a KITE & VERTICAL LOG var MNH. SG 88, 88l.
Somaliland Protectorate 60 Used p2502.9167
Somaliland Protectorate #136 Mint (NH) Single (Queen)
Somaliland 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee 1r KITE & VERTICAL LOG variety VFU. SG 89k.
Somaliland SG #O5 1903 Used **Cert** LOT #60119
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Somaliland Protectorate #77-9 Mint (NH)
Somaliland Protectorate #128-139 Cat$139.15, 1953-58 QEII, complete set, neve...
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Somaliland 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee 1a BIRD BY TURRET variety superb MNH. SG 86m.
Somaliland 1999 MEL RAMOS POP ART - Coca Colas sheet (6) Perforated Mint (NH)
selection Somaliland to 1940 (43) HH: CV $247
Somaliland Protectorate, SG 3a, MHR (large part) "BRIT SH" variety
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Somaliland SG #60-72 1912-21 Mint OG H £350 LOT #64597
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British Somaliland Sc #08 2annas NH VF
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Italian Somaliland C1-6 VF used Issued 1934
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Somaliland SG #O4 1903 Used LOT #60120
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Somaliland Protectorate 131, Cover of Individual Use of Camel Definitive
Stamps Somaliland Protectorate Scott #05 used
Somaliland 1951 King George VI Surcharge 5sh on 5r Scott # 126 MH
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Somaliland Scott # 84 - 95 set VF lightly hinged nice color cv $ 98 ! see pic !
Somaliland Protectorate, Scott #128-139 VF, Unused, CV $139.15 ...... 5750035
Somaliland 1912 King George V 1r Scott # 60 MH
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Somaliland 5c Variety First "I" IS a "1" Mint Hinged OG * Extra Fine! - MJS
Somaliland 2011 Military Ships of WW2 #2 imperf sheetlet ...
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Somaliland Protectorate - #101 - Unused - SCV-2.00
Somaliland Protectorate 62 Mint Hinged OG * NO Faults Very Fine! - ZVZ
Somaliland 1999 Marilyn Monroe & Joe Di Maggio sheetl...
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Somaliland Protectorate 10 Mint Hinged OG * Space Between "A" and "N" - JUW
Somaliland 1904 KE7 Specimen Set of 13
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Somaliland SGO8a KEVII 2a Variety BRIT SH Fresh M/M Cat 130 pounds
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Somaliland Protectorate - 1938 3a KGV Scott#87 - 1v - Mint NH
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Somaliland Protectorate Scott #40-47 1905 Edwrd VII WMK 3-Short Set-Mint Hinged
Somaliland Scott 136 MNH!
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Somaliland SGO4 8a dull mauve (surface rub bottom right) Cat 475 pounds
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Somaliland # 128-38 QE II Definitives 1953-58 (12) VLH/NH Unused
1951 Somaliland Sc# 116-26 used cv.$66 ( 8319 BCXX )
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