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E0029 German Empire Postal Stationery Card 3 + 2½ Pfennig unused
E0029 German Empire Postal Stationery Card 7½ Pfennig unused
E0029 Germany Postal Stationery Card Gottingen - Altona 1921
E0029 German Empire Postal Stationery Card Altona 1884
E0029 Germany 3rd Reich Postal Stationery Card Braunschweig 1936
E0029 Germany 3rd Reich Postal Stationery Card Braunschweig 1935
E0029 German Empire uprated Postal Stationery Card Gottingen - Altona 1922
E0029 German Empire uprated Postal Stationery Card Kiel - Altona
E0029 German Empire uprated Postal Stationery Card to Altona 1924
E0029 German Empire uprated Postal Stationery Card Gottingen - Altona 1922
E0029 German Empire Postal Stationery Card Altona 1903
E0029 German Empire Postal Stationery Card Hamburg - Altona 1905
E0029 German Empire Stationery Card Reichspost Universal Postal Union 10 PF
E0029 German Empire Stationery Card Reichspost Universal Postal Union 10Pf.
E0029 German Empire Postal Stationery Card 1925 Munich - Stockdorf
E0029 German Empire Postal Stationery Card 1921 Warendorf - Darmstadt
E0029 German Empire Postal Stationery Card 1921 Spandau - Darmstadt
E0029 German Empire Postal Stationery Card 1921 Wetzlar - Darmstadt
E0029 German Empire Postal Stationery Card 1921 Mainz - Darmstadt
E0029 German Empire Postal Stationery Card 1921 Freiburg - Darmstadt
E0029 German Empire Postal Stationery Card Post Rider ultramarine 1.50 Mark 1922
E0029 Germany Postal Stationery Card 1900 Kaffee Willy Schwab & Co. Mannheim
E0029 Germany Postal Stationery Card 1889 Theodor Heydric Wittenberg Wiesbaden
E0029 Germany Postal Stationery Card 1889 Rüsselsheim - Wiesbaden
E0029 Germany Postal Stationery Card Helene Bauer Dusseldorf
E0029 German Empire Postal Stationery Holzweißig Holzweissig - Munich 1913
E0029 German Empire Postal Stationery Bitterfeld - Munich 1913
E0029 Germany Bayern Postal Stationery Card 5 Pf Fuerth - Munich 1899
E0029 German Empire Postal Stationery Card 5 Pf unused
E0029 German Empire Postal Stationery 5 Pf A. Pichlers Witwe & Sohn Wien
E0029 German Empire Postal Stationery 5 Pf A. Pichlers Witwe & Sohn Leipzig
E0029 Germany 5pf Reichpost Numeral Postal Card unused
E0029 German Empire (1875-1899) imprinted stamp 5Pf numeral in pearl oval unused
E0029 German Empire (1875-1899) imprinted stamp 5Pf numeral in pearl oval unused
E0029 German Empire (1875-1899) imprinted stamp 5Pf numeral in pearl oval unused
E0029 German Empire Postal Stationery Card with Paid Reply 5/5pf unused postcard
E0029 Germany Bavaria Postal Stationery Card 5pf Amberg 1916
86119 - USA - Postal History - Stationery Cover W/ Added 3 Colour Franking 1906
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84211 - GB - Postal History - Registered STATIONERY COVER to USA 1963
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74005 - USA - POSTAL STATIONERY COVER to SWITZERLAND 1949 - National Defense
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75356 - Poland - Postal History - Stationery Card With Added Stamps 1938
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72243 - Bolivia - Postal History - Bisected Stamp on Cover 1934 - Birds
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75355 - Poland - Postal History - Stationery Card P87 + Stamps to USA 1936
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81745 - USA - Postal History - Stationery Card From Tuasivi Western Samoa! 1959
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84210 - GB - Postal History - Registered STATIONERY COVER to USA 1954 - TAXED!
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75354 - Poland - Postal History - Stationery Card With Added Stamps 1947
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71745 - USA - POSTAL HISTORY - added franking on STATIONERY COVER to BAHAMAS
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India States JAIPUR Stationery Card ORIGINAL Re-direction Form Attached MA7
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