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Netherlands & Colonies
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Netherlands Indies; Scott 33; 1900; Precanceled; NH
90259 - NETHERLANDS - Postal History - MAXIMUM CARD - ART Music 1939
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P3685 - Airmail , Netherlands , Müller 121, Amsterdam-Cairo 16.10.1933
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Netherlands # PB8cF -1969 booklet # 345b MNH fluorescent
Netherlands # PB8a - 1969 booklet MNH #345b
Netherlands # PB7b - 1967 booklet MNH #345a
Netherlands # PB7a - 1967 booklet with MNH #345a
Netherlands Antilles 482-484 MNH SET
Netherlands 1964 - Booklet Mint Never Hinged, # 346a, PB2
Netherlands B2 Used Semi postal 1906 (MV0270)
Netherlands B1 Used Four Chiefs 1906 (BP54520)
Netherlands B470-74 Unused set Universities (N0422)
Netherlands B452-56 Unused set Child Welfare (N0419)
Netherlands B449-51 Unused set Cancer Research (N0418)
Netherlands 22 Used Coat of Arms 1869 (HV0056)
Netherlands 18 Used Coat of Arms 1869 (HV0060)
Netherlands B2 Used Four Chiefs 1906 (BP54525)
Netherlands B2 Used Symbolical 1906 (BP53720)
Netherlands B647-49 Set Used Children (N0057)
Netherlands 1966 - Booklet Mint Never Hinged Cancelled PB3a # 344a
Netherlands 1966 - Booklet Mint Never Hinged Multicol.line Var # 344a
Netherlands 1964 - Booklet Mint Never Hinged, with T-line # 346a, PB2
Netherlands 1964 - Booklet Mint Never Hinged, Cancelled # 346a, PB1
Netherlands 1964 - Booklet Mint Never Hinged # 346a, PB1
Netherlands 1971 - MNH Booklet #346e , PB10a
Netherlands 1971 - MNH 2 x Booklets # 346e) # PB10a
Netherlands 1992/93 MNH Incl.Sheet Booklet (Apx 70+) MK4114
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Netherlands 1988/89 MNH Incl.Frama(Apx 60+) MK4112
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Netherlands 1957 - Queen Juliana 10g. - MNH # 364
Netherlands 1953-1960 - Group of 25 MNH Stamps
Netherlands 1960 - Regional Costumes - MNH set # B348-B352
Netherlands 1960 - Child Walfare - MNH set # B343-B347
Netherlands 1964 - Booklet Mint Never Hinged # 346a
NETHERLANDS 1961 - Birds - MNH set # B353-B357
Netherlands Colonies, Netherlands Antilles #CB1-8 Cat$256+ (for hinged), 1941...
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Netherlands 1959 - Child Walfare - MNH set # B336-B340
Netherlands 1959 - Social and Cultural Fund - MNH set # B331-B335
Netherlands 1958 - Child Welfare - MNH set # B326-B330
Netherlands 1958 - Regional Costume - MNH set # B321-B325
Netherlands 1955 - Cancer Research - MNH set # B281-B285
Netherlands 1952 - Childrens Welfare - MNH set # B243-B247
Netherlands New Guinea 1955 - Red Cross- MNH #set B4-B6
NETHERLANDS 1966-72 - MNH 7 x Booklets pane Var. # 347b
Netherlands New Guinea 1953 - Flood Relief Overprints MNH # B1-B3
NETHERLANDS 1965- 2- booklet Var. PANE CTO # 346Cd MNH
NETHERLANDS 1965- booklet Var. PANE SC# 346Cd MNH
NETHERLANDS 1965- booklet PANE SC# 346Cd MNH
Netherlands B108-12 Used 1938 set (ak7298)
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