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Jordan 1962 Anti Maldria SET Imperf & Perf Souvenir Sheet on 3 Fdcs
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Fujeira # 19-27, Sheik & Olympic Sports, IMPERF. Mint NH, 1/2 Cat.
Fujeira # 1-18, Sheik & Animals, IMPERF, Mint NH, 1/2 Cat.
Yemen # C20-21, Antiquities, IMPERF, Mint NH, 1/2 Cat.
SA40g Israel 1983 35th Anniv of Independence mint minisheet imperf
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Saudi Arabia #92 1/4pi imperf (HR) CV 12.00
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Saudi Arabia #41 1 1/2pi imperf (U)
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Saudi Arabia #41 1 1/2pi imperf (MLH) CV $50.00
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Saudi Arabia #39Bc 1/2pi imperf (MLH) CV $25.00
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Saudi Arabia #39a 1/2pi imperf (MLH) CV $12.50
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Jordan 1964 - JFK, Kennedy, In Memoriam - Imperf Souvenir Sheet - Sc 462a - MNH
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Israel Scott #2, Bale FCV19, Doar Ivri 5p Horizontal Pair Imperf Between MNH!!
Israel Scott #3, Bale FCV6, Doar Ivri 10p Vertical Pair Imperf Between MNH!!
Israel Scott #5, Bale FCV 26 Doar Ivri Horizontal Pair Imperf Between MNH!!
Israel Scott #6, Bale FCV11, Doar Ivri 50p Vertical Pair Imperf Between MNH!!
Israel Scott #1, Bale FCV 128, 3p Vertical Pair w/ Tab Imperf Between MNH!!
Israel Scott #10-14 1948 Horizontal Tete Beche Gutter Pairs Imperf Between MNH!!
Israel Scott #1618 Pair From Booklet #B39 2005 Zehavit Flower Completely Imperf!
Israel Scott #3 FCV 129 Vertical Pair w/ Tab Imperf Between Single and Tab MNH!
Israel Scott #4 Doar Ivri 15p Strip Imperf Between Twice on Cover!!
Israel Scott #3 Doar Ivri Plate Block Partially Imperf at Right Margin MNH!!!
Israel Scott #1041 Ardon Windows SS Perf, Imperf & w/ Specimen Overprint MNH!!
Israel Scott #2, Bale FCV4, Doar Ivri 5p Vertical Pair Imperf Between MNH!!
Israel Scott #1, Bale FCV3, Doar Ivri Vertical Pair Imperf Between MH!!
Israel Scott #1, Bale FCV1, Doar Ivri Vertical Pair Imperf Between MH!!
SHARJAH 1966 John F Kennedy Memorial IMPERF Souvenir Sheet Mi.BLK20B MNH
Ajman 1970 Mi#629-636B Paintings by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres IMPERF Bloc...
Ajman 1970 Mi#561-566B Apollo 13 Space Mission IMPERF CTO
Ajman 1971 Mi#655-660B General Charles de Gaulle Block 4 IMPERF CTO
Ajman 1970 Mi#561-566B Apollo 13 Space Mission IMPERF CTO
Ajman 1970 Mi#561-566B Apollo 13 Space Mission IMPERF CTO
Ajman 1971 Mi#655-660B General Charles de Gaulle Block 4 IMPERF CTO
Ajman 1971 Mi#655-660B General Charles de Gaulle IMPERF CTO
Ajman 1971 Mi#678-683BThe Mars Project IMPERF CTO
Ajman 1971 Mi#678-683BThe Mars Project IMPERF CTO
Ajman 1971 Mi#655-660B General Charles de Gaulle Pair IMPERF CTO
Ajman 1971 Mi#678-683BThe Mars Project IMPERF CTO
Ajman 1971 Mi#685-692B Napoleonic French Soldiers Uniforms block 8 IMPERF MUH
Ajman 1971 Mi#A684-H684B Napoleonic German Soldiers Uniforms block 8 IMPERF MUH
Ajman 1971 Mi#A684-H684B Napoleonic German Soldiers Uniforms block 8 IMPERF MUH
Ajman 1971 Mi#710-717B Charity Paintings IMPERF CTO
Ajman 1971 Mi#685-692B Napoleonic French Soldiers Uniforms block 8 IMPERF MUH
Ajman 1971 Mi#710-717B Charity Paintings IMPERF CTO
Ajman 1971 Mi#710-717B Charity Paintings IMPERF CTO
Ajman 1971 Mi#710-717B Charity Paintings IMPERF CTO
Ajman 1971 Mi#718-725B Paintings by Alexander Rutsch IMPERF CTO
Ajman 1971 Mi#718-725B Paintings by Alexander Rutsch IMPERF CTO
Ajman 1971 Mi#718-725B Paintings by Alexander Rutsch IMPERF CTO
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