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Luxembourg #318-20 Mint VF NH
6 days, 20h
Luxembourg #329 - 31 Mint VF - Lakeshore Philatelics
6 days, 20h
Luxembourg SC#36 Used F-VF...Great Value!
was $12
6 days, 3h
Luxembourg SC#39 Used F-VF SCV$37.50...Great Value!
was $17
6 days, 3h
Luxembourg SC B60-B65 Mint F-VF SCV$48.70...Great value!
was $29
6 days, 3h
Luxembourg SC#2 Used F-VF SCV75.00...!
was $38
6 days, 2h
Luxembourg SC#95 Mint VF SCV$5.50...Great Value!
6 days, 2h
Luxembourg SC B79-B84 Mint F-VF...Great value!
was $17
6 days, 2h
Luxembourg 1927 "Expo Balloon Mail" Card... Rare Unused
2 days, 22h
Luxembourg 1960 Europa (2v Cpt) V. Fine MNH
1 day, 7h
Luxembourgh 50f 1946 minisheet Dudelange International Stamp Exhibition MNH
7h 11m
Luxembourg 10c 1852
5h 10m
Luxembourg 1929 Helping Children set MNH
5h 1m
Luxembourg 10c 1859
5h 0m
Luxembourg 25c 1865
4h 55m
Luxembourg 1992 Sc 872-3 set MNH
1941 Luxembourg Censored Occupation Cover Stamp Day Cancel
Or Best Offer
Luxembourg, Postage Stamp, #B234-B239, B240-B245 Mint NH, 1962
Stamps Luxembourg Scott #B35-9 used
Luxembourg 1984 Elections European Commission FDC special cancel typed VGC
Or Best Offer
Luxembourg 477-78 MNH 1969 Joseph Kutter Paintings
Luxembourg #630 cancelled 1979 European parliament
Luxembourg 101 USED BIN $0.50
Or Best Offer
1984 Luxembourg Environment Protection (2) (Scott 700-01) MH
1984 Luxembourg D-Day (Scott 720) MH
1985 Luxembourg Children Caritas (5) (Scott B352-56) MHR
Luxembourg 429 Grand Duke Jean 8Fr 1971
Luxembourg 1988 Doorways FDC special cancel Unaddressed VGC
Or Best Offer
Luxembourg #J8-9 Used
1994 Luxembourg Buildings (3) (Scott 919-21) MH
Luxembourg # 299 International Fair (1) Mint NH
Luxembourg ^ Scott # B329 - Used
Luxembourg 1973 National Strike Monument FDC special cancel Unaddressed VGC
Or Best Offer
Z4521 JL Stamps 1981 luxembourg year set mnh #650-666
Luxembourg 1993 Environment Protection Registered FDC special cancel typed VGC
Or Best Offer
Luxembourg 374 Europa Spoked Wheel 1960
Luxembourg 1977 Landscapes FDC special cancel Unaddressed VGC
Or Best Offer
Sc 849 Luxembourg Mushrooms L57
Or Best Offer
Luxembourg 422 Grand Duke Jean 1966
Luxembourg 422 Grand Duke Jean 1966
Luxembourg #19a used
Luxembourg 422 Grand Duke Jean 1966
Luxembourg 257 Grand Dutchess Charlotte 1948
Luxembourg stamp sc O1 u
Or Best Offer
A4P26F34 Letzebuerg Luxembourg 1906-26 4c used-
Luxembourg 258 Grand Dutchess Charlotte 1948
Luxembourg 97 (O) "1914"
Luxembourg 369 Grand Dutchess Charlotte 1960
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