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1992 Luxembourg Seville Expo) (Scott 873) MH
1992 Luxembourg Stained Glass (3) (Scott 877-79) MH
Luxembourg 1992 - MNH - Scott #869
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Luxembourg 1992 Europa Columbus Discovery of America FDC
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Luxembourg 1992 - MNH - Scott #868
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Luxembourg 1992 Year SET MNH
Luxembourg 1992 SC# 873 Used L189
Luxembourg 863 (used) 14fr Pescatore Foundation (1992)
LUXEMBOURG 1992 - Scott# 880 Single Market Set of 1 NH
LUXEMBOURG 1992 - Scott# 873 Seville Expo. Set of 1 NH
LUXEMBOURG 1992 - Scott# 868-9 Europa Set of 2 NH
LUXEMBOURG 1992 - Scott# 872 Olympics Set of 1 NH
LUXEMBOURG 1992 - Scott# 863-5 Buildings Set of 3 NH
Luxembourg #872 Used, From 1992, CV-$0.45
LUXEMBOURG 1992 - Scott# 870-1 Lions Intl. Set of 2 NH
SA26d Luxembourg 1992 150th Anniv of Posts and Telecommunicon mint pairs
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LUXEMBOURG 1992 - Scott# 866-7 Buildings Set of 2 NH
LUXEMBOURG 1992 - Scott# 877-9 Stained Glasses Set of 3 NH
SA26d Luxembourg 1992 Birds, mint pairs
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SA26d Luxembourg 1984 & 1992 selection of mint pairs
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Luxembourg #877 used 1992 stained glass windows 14fr
SA26d Luxembourg 1992 Mascarons mint pairs
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Luxembourg #866-867 cancelled 1992 castle and station
Luxembourg 1992 National Welfare Fund full set of stamps. MNH. Sg 1326-1329
Luxembourg 868-69 - Mint-NH - Europa (Cpl) (1992) (cv $3.50)
Luxembourg #880 used 1992 single European market
Luxembourg 1992 SC# 872 Used
Luxembourg, , #872 Used From 1992, CV-$0.50
Luxembourg, , #873 Used From 1992 CV-$0.50
Luxembourg #873 MNH 1992 expo Seville
Luxembourg - Apr 1, 1992 Domestic Cover
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Luxembourg #866-867 MNH 1992 castle and station
Luxembourg #872 MNH 1992 Olympics Barcelona
1992 Luxembourg 1293-94 Europa Cept 4,00 €
Luxembourg 1992 Scott 880 used - 14fr, Europa
1992, Luxembourg 14Fr, MNH, Sc 880
Or Best Offer
Luxembourg, 868 Unused From 1992
EUROPA 1992 -Luxembourg - The 500th Ann. of the Discovery of America - MNH Set
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