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Stamps - Central Lithuania - Scott# 35-42 - Mint Hinged Set of 8 Stamps
9 days, 16h
SA34j Central Lithuania 1920 Woman, mint stamp
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Central Lithuania 1 mh x2, 2 mh, 3 mh, 6 mh, 23 mh, 35 mh, 37 mh, 40 mh
Central Lithuania 35, 37-39, 42 Used SC $6.65
Central Lithuania #23-8 NH People/Views Perf
Central Lithuania #23-8 NH People/Views Imperf
Central Lithuania 1920 Sc 1256+imperf. MNH
Central Lithuania - Scott #42 - P13½ - MH - SCV $23
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SA33m Central Lithuania 1920-1921 Coat of Arms, hinged stamps perf & imperf
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Central Lithuania Litauen 1921 Mi#42-43 mint never hinged
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Central Lithuania B17 Used SC$1.25
Central Lithuania B19 Used SC$1.25
Central Lithuania 23 Used SC $.75
Central Lithuania 1-6 Perf Used
Central Lithuania 1921 Sc 35-42 set perf MH* half with perf 13.5
Central Lithuania B106 1921 Surcharge Col MH
Central Lithuania 23-28 Perf MLH
Central Lithuania 1920 - M - Scott #1 *
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Central Lithuania 1 - 2 - Mint Hinged. Original Gum + Imperfs. #02 LITH1
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Central Lithuania - 1921 - #41 - used - Perf 13 1/2
Central Lithuania 23-28 Perf MNH 23 HAS Crease
Central Lithuania sc 1 MH imperf
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Central Lithuania 1920 - M - Scott #J1 *
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Central Lithuania sc 35 MH perf 13.5
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Central Lithuania sc 1 Mng
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Central Lithuania, White Cross 1921, Imperforated NH Blo4
Central Lithuania #41 (v) Union MH
Central Lithuania 23-28 Perf MNH
Central Lithuania, RED Cross 1921set Perf. + Imperf. NH **!
Central Lithuania sc 35,36 MH perf 13.5
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Central Lithuania 1921 3m White Eagle Double Impression Sc 37 Mngap
Central Lithuania 1920-21 25f Red Coat of Arms Double Impression Sc 1 Mngap
Central Lithuania Sc # 2 mint never hinged imperf (RS)
Central Lithuania sc B2 MH
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Central Lithuania sc 2 MH
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Central Lithuania #1 used single (perfrorated)
Central Lithuania #36 (v) Cathedral MNH
Central Lithuania sc 23,24 MH
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Central Lithuania 41 MH BIN $0.85
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Central Lithuania, 2 Sets Views 1921 F/V Used
Central Lithuania #35 (v) St Anne's Church Used
Central Lithuania #35 (v) St Anne's Church MNH
Central Lithuania - Scott #B1//B6 - Short #B2 - MH - Imperf, toning #B1 - SCV $7
Central Lithuania 14 MH (Rl) 1420 CV $47.50 BIN $23.50
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Central Lithuania, 1920, Coat of Arms, imperf, 25f, sc#1, MNH,++
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Central Lithuania 1921 - M - Scott #35 *
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Central Lithuania 1921 20m Kosciuszko & Mickiewicz Multi Impression Sc 42 Mngap
Central Lithuania 39 MH BIN $0.60
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