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Libya - 1090-95, MNH Set. International Marine Organization. SCV - $12.00
was $4
5 days, 15h
Libya - 1039-44, MNH Set. Sept. 1 Revolution, 13th Ann. SCV - $4.60
5 days, 15h
Libya - 848-52, MNH Set. National Games. SCV - $8.50
was $4
5 days, 15h
Libya - 1249a-e, MNH Set. Tripoli International Fair. SCV - $10.00
was $4
5 days, 15h
Libya - 1316a-e, MNH Set. Sept. 1 Revolution Anniv. SCV - $22.00
was $8
5 days, 15h
Libya - 1273a-e, MNH Set. Mosque Entrances. SCV - $10.00
5 days, 15h
Libya SC C4-C7 Mint F-VF SCV$149.00...Fill Key Spots!
was $90
3 days, 12h
Libya - 1248a-e, MNH Set. People's Authority Declaration. SCV - $10.00
was $3
1 day, 15h
Libya = 1320=21, MNH Set. International; Peace Year. SCV - $8.00
1 day, 15h
Libya - 1016-19, MNH Set. World Cup Soccer. SCV - $8.10
1 day, 15h
Libya 1915 Sc E1a express MNG(*) light centre staining
Libya 1932 Sc B38 MH*
Libya 144 Mint Never Hinged OG ** NO Faults Very Fine !
Libya, Scott #62, Mint, Never Hinged
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Libya #C31 NH 1L Theater Ruins Ovptd. For Sample Fair
Liberia 1921 #O118 U SCV(2024)=$0.25
62592 - Libya - Postal History - Cover to the Netherlands 1960
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Libya Scott #810 MNH
LIBYA 1939 13th Sample Fair Airmails; Scott C36-38; MNH
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LIBYA 1934 8th Sample Fair Airmails; Scott C14-18; MNH
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Libya 1937 Sc C30-1 air post set MLH*
Libya Scott #1416 Unused, No Gum
Libya # 269-74 MNH
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Libya Sc#439 MNH, 20m red & multi, Ahmed Gnaba (1972)
Libya 1963 Date Palm/Camel/Tractor FAO Set(3)MNH Sc#234/236
Libya - Scott #243-245 - MH - SCV $2.60
Libya, Scott #B60, Unused, Hinged, possibly NH
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Libya 1985 Mi. 1478 - 1480 Libyan Fossils Fossilien Fossiles IMPERF ND
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Libya Scott #E4 used
Libya Scott catalog # 820 Mint NH
Libya 1979 #842-5(#5), 1980 Pre-Olympics, **MNH**.
Libya #1052h used
7. Libya Jamahriya Resistance against Italian Colonization Sidi Abuagela Battle
Libya #441-460 Cat$44.20, 1972 5m-£1, complete set, never hinged
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Libya - 1978 Technical Cooperation Among Development Countries - 3v MNH
Libya-Palestine 1970'S Benghazi REG. to W. Bank Multifranked CVR via Cyprus ATR.
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Libya Scott #926 MH
Libya Scott#50 1931 7-1/2c Legionnaire - MNH
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Libya 1984 Evacuation of Forces set of 6 unmounted mint, ...
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Libya #837-8 MNH Set - Exacuation of Foreign Forces
Libya Scott #137 MLH
Libya Scott #1399 Used
Libya Scott #1352 Used
Libya #854a used
Libya 1917 Tripoli cancel on cover, censored
Or Best Offer
Libya B9 Semi-Postal Mint Never Hinged OG ** NO Faults Very Fine! - OYC
Libya-Palestine 1970'S Three Covers Benghazi & Baida to West Bank via Cyprus
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