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Iceland. 1994 Booklet Christmas Mnh 10 x 30 Kr. Children,Sled.Cat,Gifts. Sc# 790
Iceland. 1994 Booklet. MNH. Sport. Swimming. Sc# 711A.
Iceland. 1994 Booklet. MNH. Sport. Team Handball. Sc# 711
Iceland. 1994. 3 Booklet. Sport 30 Kr. Europe 35-55 Kr. Sc# 711-80-81.
Iceland, Postage Stamp, #780-781, 781a Mint NH, 1994 Europa, St. Brendan
Iceland, Postage Stamp, #788 Mint NH, 1994 Presidents
Iceland, Postage Stamp, #779, 805 Used, 1994 Ship
Iceland 1994 Sc 780-81 set MNH
Iceland 1994 Sc 781a set MNH
Iceland 1994 Sc 769 set MNH
Iceland 1994 S/S Presidents of Iceland. 50th Anniversary of Independence. MNH
Iceland 1994 Sc 787 set MNH
Iceland 1994 Sc 779 set MNH
Iceland 1994 Sc 595-6 Christmas Religion set MNH
Iceland Sc 788 1994 50 Years Republic stamp sheet mint NH
Iceland Sc 789 1994 Stamp Day stamp sheet mint NH
ICELAND 1994 YEAR OF THE FAMILY Finger Puppets Issue Sc 779 VFU
Iceland 788 MNH 1994 Presidents of Iceland Souv. Sheet
Iceland 1994 SC# 790 Used (L437)
Iceland 788 MNH 1994 Presidents of Iceland Souv. Sheet
Iceland 1994 SC# 782 M (L437)
Iceland 788 MNH 1994 Presidents of Iceland Souv. Sheet
Iceland Scott# 792 Used (1994 ICAO)
Iceland, #787 Used From 1994, CV-$0.60
Iceland #711B, Used Strip of 3 - 1994 - Ice426Aff6
Or Best Offer
Iceland Scott# 790-791 MNH (1994 Christmas)
Iceland 711A-11B MNH, Swimming and Weight Lifting Cplt. Booklets from 1994.
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Iceland 789 MNH 1994 Stamp Day Souv. Sheet
Iceland 780-81 MNH 1994 Europa Complete Booklet
Iceland, #790 Used From 1994, CV-$0.45
Iceland Scott# 782-786 MNH (1994 Independence, 50th Anniv.)
Iceland-Sc#779- id2-unused NH set-Year of the Family-1994-
1930 Iceland #O60 Official Overprinted in Red - Used - F/VF - CV$52.50 (E#1994)
Iceland Sgsb16 1994 Sport Booklet Mint
Iceland #711B, Used Strip of 3 - 1994 - Ice427Aff6
Or Best Offer
ICELAND Sc 782-86 VF/MNH - 1994 Performing Arts - Complete Set
Iceland Sc# 780-781 MNH block/4 1994 Europa
Or Best Offer
Iceland Sc# 781a MNH sheet/2 1994 Europa
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Iceland, #782 Used From 1994, CV-$0.70
Iceland Sc# 790 MNH Complete Booklet 1994 Christmas
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Iceland Sc# 711A MNH Complete Booklet 1990-1994 30k Swimming
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Iceland Sc# 711 MNH Complete Booklet 1990-1994 30k Team Handball
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Iceland 782-786,MNH.Michel 802-806. Independence-50,1994.Art,Culture,Music,Dance
Iceland 1994 Scott 781 used - 55.00kr, Europa, great discoveries
Iceland 1994 FDC Sc #787 30k Gisli Sveinsson
Or Best Offer
Iceland 1994 Stamp day MS MUH lot32419
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Iceland Scott# 780 Used (1994 Voyages of St. Brendan)
Iceland Scott# 790 MNH Complete Booklet (1994 Christmas)
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