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Stamps - Guinea - Scott# 226 - Mint Hinged Part Set of 1 Stamp
9 days, 3h
Guinea - 209-13, MNH Set. Ovpt. UN Anniversary. SCV - $6.15
6 days, 12h
Guinea - 564-69, MNH Set. Lenin. SCV - $6.80 (See Note Below)
6 days, 12h
GUINEA 1987 Prehistoric Animals (6v Cpt) Fresh MNH CV$28+
5 days, 15h
GUINEA 1961 Animal Protection, Defassa Waternuck (6v Cpt) MNH CV$20
5 days, 15h
GUINEA 1961 Defassa Waternuck (6v Cpt) MNH CV$10
5 days, 15h
GUINEA 1960 World Refugee Year (2v Cpt + 2v Ovpt) MNH CV$20-
5 days, 15h
GUINEA 1959 Airmail, Doves with Letter and Olive (5v Cpt) MNH CV$14
5 days, 15h
Guinea - C14-16, MNH Set. Lockheed Constellation. SCV - $12.10
was $4
5 days, 12h
Guinea - 852-58, MNH Set. Dr. Koch, TB. SCV - $17.75
was $5
5 days, 12h
Guinea - 850-51, MNH Set. Int. Yr. Handicapped. SCV- $8.00
1 day, 12h
Guinea - B25-29, MNH Set. WHO Drive Malaria OVPT. SCV - $5.40
1 day, 12h
Guinea - 248-53, MNH Set. Animals. SCV - $7.80
1 day, 12h
Guinea 1987 Sc 1075 IMPERF WWF set MNH
Guinea 1961 Sc Sc 223-28 Bird set MNH
Guinea; 1975: Sc. # 586; Used CTO Single Stamp
2007 Guinea Fauna Space Prehistoric Animals Dinosaurs Halley 3Bl ** Ns445
Or Best Offer
Guinea SC# 581 VF U 1971 BK/4
Guinée Rép. 569 (O) "1970"
2010 Guinea Famous People 70Th Anniversary Arthur Conan Doyle 1Kb+1Bl ** Bc394
Or Best Offer
Guinea-Bissau; 1985: Sc. # 651: Used CTO Single Stamp
2008 Guinea 5565-70KL The bats 12,00 €
Guinea, Postage Stamp, #189, 194-5, 291//304 Mint NH, Butterfly, JFZ
Guinea - 2019 Elephants on Stamps - 4 Stamp Set - GU190106a
Or Best Offer
Guinea 1977 Oryx World Wildlife Fund FDC special cancel unaddressed VGC
Or Best Offer
Guinea 1964; Sc. # 325-327, C56; MNH Cpl. Set
Guinea 705 Used Symbols 1976 (BP4811)
Guinea 1970 Sc 564-69 set FU
Lx005 Imperf 2015 Guinea Dinosaurs Prehistoric Water Fauna Uv Cardboard 5Bl Mnh
Or Best Offer
Guinea 768 Used Drinking a toast 1 1979 (BP41710)
Guinea 768 Used Drinking a toast 2 1979 (BP41724)
Guinea #417, 452, 668, 779 used
2024 10 - GUINEA - THE LAUNCH OF VENERA 6 55TH I 1V complet set MNH **
Eq Guinea Michel 455-461,MNH. UPU-100 in 1974.ESPANA-1975.Vessel,Camel,Dog sled,
Guinea 2008 / The Disappearance of Steve Cosset, 1944-2008 - Planes & Cars / CTO
Guinea 1960 Sc Sc B17-8 Red O/P & on wrong stamp set MNH
Guinea B17-B18 MNH VF
Guinea #302 Butterflies MNH
Guinea 1997 Sc Sc 1417-21 FU
Guinee Guinea MNH Diana President Reagan Pavarotti Africa
GUINEA - 1976 - Telephone, 100th Anniv - Perf 4v Set - Mint Never Hinged
Or Best Offer
Guinee Guinea MNH Lady DI Diana Prince William Henry Royalty
Guinea 1964 Sc 325-27 set MNH
Guinea 2010 MNH - The Royal Engagement - Prince William & Kate Middleton.
Guinea C155 Used Soccer 1982 (BP4848)
2024/01 - GUINEA - FLIGHT BELL X-1A 1V complet set MNH **
Guinea; Scott 555; 1970; Precanceled; NH
Guinea C136 Used Turtles 1977 (MV0302)
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