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GREECE; 1901 early Hermes issue fine used Shade of 5l. value + Postmark a.
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GREECE; 1901 early Hermes issue fine used Shade of 5l. value + Postmark a.
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GREECE; 1901 early Hermes issue fine used Shade of 5l. value + Postmark a.
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GREECE; 1901 early Hermes issue fine used Shade of 5l. value + Postmark a.
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GREECE; 1901 early Hermes issue fine used Shade of 10l. value + Postmark a.
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GREECE; 1901 early Hermes issue fine used Shade of 10l. value + Postmark a.
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1927-28 Greece, No. 371 and 374, Navarino 6 Values, MNH**
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Greece 1951 5000d Reconstruction issue MNH
GREECE; 1901 early Hermes issue fine used Shade of 20l. value + Postmark a.
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GREECE; 1901 early Hermes issue fine used Shade of 20l. value + Postmark a.
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GREECE; 1906 Olympic Anniversary issue used Shade of 10l. value + Postmark a.
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GREECE; 1901 early Hermes issue fine used Shade of 20l. value + Postmark a.
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GREECE; 1901 early Hermes issue fine used Shade of 20l. value + Postmark a.
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GREECE; 1906 Olympic Anniversary issue used Shade of 3l. value + Postmark a.
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GREECE; 1912 Mythological Provincial New Territories issue used 25l. VARIETY
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GREECE; 1912 Mythological Provincial New Territories issue used 25l. VARIETY
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GREECE; 1896 early classic Olympic issue used 20l. value + Postmark
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GREECE; 1896 early classic Olympic issue used 20l. value + Postmark
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GREECE; 1912 Mythological Provincial New Territories issue used 25l. VARIETY
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GREECE; 1896 early classic Olympic issue used 20l. value + Postmark
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GREECE; 1912 Mythological Provincial New Territories issue used 25l. VARIETY
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GREECE; 1912 Mythological Provincial New Territories issue used 25l. VARIETY
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GREECE; 1912 Mythological Provincial New Territories issue used 25l. VARIETY
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GREECE; 1912 Mythological Provincial New Territories issue used 25l. VARIETY
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GREECE; 1912 Mythological Provincial New Territories issue used 25l. VARIETY
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GREECE; 1896 early classic Olympic issue used 25l. value + Postmark
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GREECE; 1896 early classic Olympic issue used 20l. value + Postmark
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GREECE; 1912 Mythological Provincial New Territories issue used 25l. VARIETY
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GREECE; 1912 Mythological Provincial New Territories issue used 25l. VARIETY
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GREECE; SAMOS 1912 early Hermes issue Optd. fine used 25l. value
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GREECE; 1912 Mythological Provincial New Territories issue used 25l. VARIETY
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Greece 1954 "Enosis" set MLH/MH
GREECE; Charity Tax issue early 1900s fine used 3D. value
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GREECE; SAMOS 1912 early Hermes issue Optd. fine used 10l. value
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GREECE; SAMOS 1912 early Hermes issue Optd. fine used 5l. value
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GREECE; 1914 early War Tax issue fine used 2l. value + Postmark
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GREECE; SAMOS 1912 early Hermes issue Optd. fine used 1l. value
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GREECE; SAMOS 1912 early Hermes issue . fine used 25l. value
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GREECE; 1933 early Admiral Kountouriotis and Cruiser "Averof" used 50D. value
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GREECE; 1914 early War Tax issue fine used 2l. value + Postmark
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GREECE; 1917 early War Tax issue fine used 10l. value + Postmark
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GREECE; 1927 early General Faviers issue fine used 1l. value + Postmark
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GREECE; 1917 early War Tax issue fine used 10l. value + Postmark
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GREECE; 1922 early Postage Due Optd. issue Mint hinged 1l. Variety
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GREECE; 1935 early Monarchy issue fine Mint MNH 50l. Marginal STRIP
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GREECE; 1926 early Missolonghi issue fine MINT MNH 25l. Margin Block
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GREECE; 1930 early Independence Anniversary issue fine 10l. MINT MNH Strip
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GREECE; 1917 early War Tax issue fine Mint Strip of 4 of 5/20l. value
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