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1889 Gibraltar Sc# 28 - 75 Centimos - Queen Victoria - MH HR Cv$67.50
1889-95 Gibraltar Sc# 29 - 5 Centimos - Queen Victoria - MH HR Cv$7
1889-95 Gibraltar Sc# 30 - 10 Centimos - Queen Victoria - MH Cv$5.50
1895 Gibraltar Sc# 31 - 20 Centimos - Queen Victoria - MH Cv$19
1895 Gibraltar Sc# 31A - 20 Centimos - Queen Victoria - MH Cv$31
1895 Gibraltar Sc# 31A - 20 Centimos - Queen Victoria - Used Cv$25
1889-95 Gibraltar Sc# 32 - 25 Centimos - Queen Victoria - MH Cv$27.50
1889-95 Gibraltar Sc# 33 - 40 Centimos - Queen Victoria - MH Cv$4.50
1889-95 Gibraltar Sc# 33 - 40 Centimos - Queen Victoria - Used SOTN Cv$4.75
1889-95 Gibraltar Sc# 35 - 75 Centimos - Queen Victoria - MH Cv$37.50
1889-95 Gibraltar Sc# 35 - 75 Centimos - Queen Victoria - Used SOTN Cv$37.50
1889-95 Gibraltar Sc# 36 - 1 Peseta - Queen Victoria - MH Cv$90
1895 Gibraltar Sc# 36A - 1 Peseta - Queen Victoria - Used Cv$8.50
1895 Gibraltar Sc# 36A - 1 Peseta - Queen Victoria - MH Cv$6
1889 Gibraltar Sc# 22 - 5 Centimos - Queen Victoria - MH Cv$14
Gibraltar 31 Mint Hinged p2412.8644
Gibraltar 36 Used p2412.8645
1889 Gibraltar Sc# 23 - 10 Centimos - Queen Victoria - MH Cv$15
1889 Gibraltar Sc# 23 - 10 Centimos - Queen Victoria - Used Cv$20
1889 Gibraltar Sc# 24 - 25 Centimos - Queen Victoria - Used Cv$11.50
1889 Gibraltar Sc# 24 - 25 Centimos - Queen Victoria - Used Cv$11.50
1889 Gibraltar Sc# 24 - 25 Centimos - Queen Victoria - MH Cv$6
1889 Gibraltar Sc# 25 - 25 Centimos - Queen Victoria - MH Cv$30
1889 Gibraltar Sc# 25 - 40 Centimos - Queen Victoria - MH Cv$62.50
1889 Gibraltar Sc# 27 - 50 Centimos - Queen Victoria - MH HR Cv$67.50
1889 Gibraltar Sc# 27 - 50 Centimos - Queen Victoria - Used SOTN Cv$87.50
1889 Gibraltar Sc# 27 - 50 Centimos - Queen Victoria - Used Cv$87.50
1889 Gibraltar Sc# 28 - 75 Centimos - Queen Victoria - Used Cv$82.50
Gibraltar 2021, 100 years City Council 1v
Gibraltar Sc #32 25c LH VF
Or Best Offer
Gibraltar: 1925, King George V, definitive 1/- both shades, MLH
1993-97 warships. 5 sheets.
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1996 Gibraltar - Sc# 710a s/s - Tribute to European Football - Soccer - MNH Cv$9
Gibraltar Sg56 KE 1/2d MNH P1231A H
Gibraltar SG116b 1935 Silver Jubilee 6d Short Extra Flagstaff on Cover
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Gibraltar SG115c/17b Jubilee 3d Lightning Conductor 1/- Short Extra Flagstaff
Or Best Offer
Gibraltar SG115b 1935 Silver Jubilee 3d Short Extra Flagstaff on Cover
Or Best Offer
Gibraltar SG117a 1935 Silver Jubilee 1/- Extra Flagstaff on Cover
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Gibraltar SG129ba 5/- Perf 13 BROKEN R Early State
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83261 - GIBRALTAR - Postal History - FIRST FLIGHT: Rome VENICE Wien - # 538 AH
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Gibraltar SG108 KGV FIVE POUNDS Violet and Black Fine Fresh M/M FANTASTIC Colour
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83260 - GIBRALTAR - Postal History - FIRST FLIGHT: Milano FRANKFURT - # 555 AD
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Gibraltar SG1/7 Set of 7 M/M some with hinge remainders Cat 1200 pounds
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Gibraltar SG8/14 Set of 7 M/M (2 1/2d no Gum and a crease) Cat 600 pounds
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Gibraltar SG22w 5c Green Wmk CA INVERTED Mint (hinge remainder) Cat 300 pounds
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Gibraltar SG46/55 KEVII Set of 10 Wmk CA Fresh M/M Cat 1200 pounds
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Gibraltar KEVII High Value Master Die Proof Both Before and After Hardening RARE
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Gibraltar KEVII low value master die proof with blank value tablet
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