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Canada 1975-1979 Latvian Scouts in Exile Gen. Goppers Found., Latvia BLOCKS VFNH-
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Latvia, Fauna, Birds MNH / 2024
Latvia #CB3-5a Cat$55, 1931 Surcharges, imperf. set of three, never hinged, s...
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Latvia #CB18-20a Cat$57, 1933 Wounded Aviators, imperf. set of three, hinged
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Latvia #CB21-24a Cat$170, 1933 Wounded Aviators, imperf. set of four, lightly...
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Latvia . Cover 1938 Coats Of Arms. Sc # 135+ 138. Liepaja. Adr: Denmark.
Latvia . 1933 Airmail Overprint Afrika Flight 1933. Cancel, Watermark. Sc# C9.
SA05 Latvia 1991 Christmas, State Arms Stamps cover
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SA05 Latvia 1990 unused cover with printed stamp
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Latvia 2004 Football European Championship in Portugal Soccer Sheetlet MNH
Latvia Lettland Lettonie 2004 Europa CEPT Holidays Sheetlet MNH
Latvia Lettland Lettonie 2004 Europa CEPT Holidays Stamp MNH
Latvia Lettland Lettonie 2004 Introduction to EU joint issue set of 2 stamps MNH
Latvia 2003, Praga, fish booklet
Latvia 1996, EUROPA m/s
Latvia 1931 Sc C6a p11 FU
Latvia 1927 Sc 128,140,42,45,148-151 FU
Latvia 2006 Sc 647-9 Bird set MNH
Latvia 1919 Sc 21 MH
Latvia 1992 Sc 335a bird set MNH
1929 Riga Latvia Picture Postcard Cover Locally Used Christmas Celebration
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1926 Kreslawa Latvia Money Order Receipt Cover To Riga
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1924 Riga Latvia Picture Postcard Cover autumn thought Bocklin
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1936 Riga Latvia Trans Atlantic Cover To Lansdowne Pa USA
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1925 Kreslawa Latvia Money Order Receipt Cover To Daugavpils
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1923 Riga Latvia Cover To Rotenburg Fulda Germany Sc#121
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1929 Riga Latvia Commercial Cover To Berlin Germany
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1931 Riga Latvia RPPC Postcard Cover To Wolfenbittel Germany City View
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Latvia 1994 Sc 355,356 set MNH
Latvia 2002 Sc 554 set MNH
Latvia 1995 Sc 392-394 set MNH
Latvia 1995 Sc 409-412 set MNH
Latvia 1936 B92-95 FU
Latvia 1996 Sc 426-428 set MNH
Latvia 2002 Sc 561-563 set MNH
Latvia 2001 Sc 522 set MNH
Latvia 1996 Sc 422 set MNH
Latvia 1999 Sc 487 set MNH
Latvia 2001 Sc 538-539 set MNH
Latvia 1996 Sc 418-421 set MNH
Latvia 2002 Sc 546-547 set MNH
Latvia 1995 Sc 407-408 set MNH
Latvia 2002 Sc 559a set MNH
Latvia 2000 Sc 514 set MNH
Latvia 2000 Sc 519-521 set MNH
Latvia 1998 Sc 476 BLK(4) set MNH
Latvia 1995 Sc 396-398 set MNH
Latvia 2000 Sc 516 set MNH
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