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Denmark. 2 Coats Of Arms."Bullseye" Cancel. 20 Ore 6 1/2-7 1/2E. ? + 24 Ore.2 Tr
Denmark. Lot 1936-1985. 11 Christmas Seal With"Bullseye" Cancels ) Lux Cancels.
Germany 1872 Early Postage Postmark Variety Europe Stamps Bullseye SOTN
*Kappysstamps 3446 Switzerland 29 Used Cats 110.00 Sotn Bullseye Cancel
Schleswig-Holstein #20 used tied to piece bullseye cancel 1865 1 1/4 s red lilac
Norway 7 Used, VF Bullseye CDS Cancel, 3 S Gray
GERMANY 1922 Sc 215 4m Used, VF, bullseye cancel
GERMANY 1922 Sc 213 2m Used, VF, bullseye cancel
Kappysstamps German Prussia #3 Used Bullseye Cancel Gs0135
Sweden 38 Used F-Vf Perf 13 Malmo Bullseye CDS
ROMANIA 1906 Sc 188 5b Used Block VF, King Carol I, bullseye BUCUREST cancel
Kappysstamps German Prussia #3 -5 Used Bullseye Cancels Nice! Gs0136
Switzerland, Standing Helvetia Bullseye Cancel "Protogno"
Portugal Overprints Surcharges Used Mute Bullseye (Aprx 100 stamps) GM2956
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Finland Sc #55: 50k Violet & Green Used, Well Centered W/Almost Bullseye Cancel
Germany Baden 1851 3 Kr Yellow Bullseye Cancel Fine Used JK6833
Portugal Overprints Surcharges Used Mute Bullseye (Aprx 100 stamps) GM2956
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SWEDEN 1877 Scott 32 12o Used, 1881 KALMAR bullseye cancel
Denmark Sc# 210-9 CPL Used SET of 10 of Christian X, All With Bullseye Cancels
Finland Sc # 18: 5p Orange With Helsingfors (Helsinki) Bullseye Cancel
ITALY 1863 30c Used, Sc 30, F-VF MILANO bullseye postmark/cancel
BADEN German States 1868 3kr Sc 27 VF Used, Bullseye postmark/cancel
GERMANY Sc 442 6pf Castle Used VF HAMBURG bullseye Postmark/cancel
HUNGARY 1881 Sc P4a, used VF, TECSO Bullseye cancel (Tjacovo, Huszt, Ukraine)
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Danish West Indies DWI Scott 5 used , nice Bullseye cancel
LIECHTENSTEIN, MADONNA 1920, VFU SET, unusual bullseyes!
Austria 1878 25k Gray Scott # 39 Neat Bullseye Cancel "Laibach Lubliana" V.F.
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BAVARIA Germany 1911 Sc 93 Used 10pf Prince Luitpold VF Bullseye cancel
Switzerland 1763 used bullseye cds (2406 132)
MACAU Portuguese Colonies 1942 Sc 317 used Block, 1947 Bullseye cancel, Yang 330
SWEDEN 1911 Scott 84 25o Used, GAFLE bullseye 1916 cancel
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