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Honduras 2014, President Juan Orlando Hernandez 5v
Sport. 1964 Tokyo Olympics.
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1968 Honduras 723-725/B11 100 years of ITU Telecommunications 20,00 €
Honduras 2000 Summer Olympics Sydney S/S Imperf Sc C1084 MNH C9
Honduras 1983 50th anniv of Air Force Helicopter Sc C714 MNH C9
Honduras 1988 Summer Olympics Seoul Sc 359, C772-C773 MNH C9
Honduras 2005 Pope John Paul II S/S Sc C1190 MNH C9
Honduras 1993 Christmas Church Flowers Sc C912-C913 MNH A1789
Honduras 1991 Christmas Flowers Sc C840-C841 MNH A1698
Honduras 1983 50th anniv of Air Force Airplane Sc C708-C713 MNH A2312
Honduras 1994 Christmas Paintings Sc C941-C942 MNH A2193
Honduras 1999 President & Pope John Paul II Sc C1042-C1043 MNH A3363
Honduras 1890s 1900 Collection of 6 Mint Postal Cards ONE W/Reply Card Very Fine
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Honduras 2000 Intl Voluntarism Year Sc C1085-C1086 MNH A1720
Honduras 1983 World Food Day FAO Sc C728 MNH A2032
Honduras 1995 Christmas Sc C962-C964 MNH A3562
Honduras 1990 Salesian order Sc C805-C806 MNH A1957
Honduras 1992 First Road Conservation Congress Sc C878-C879 MNH A2846
Honduras 1992 Gen Francisco Morazan Sc C855-C858 MNH A2574
HONDURAS C330a mint CV $65.00 (ID # 82920)
Honduras Stamps # C344a MNH VF
Sport. 1964 Tokyo Olympics.
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Honduras 1997 Sc#C1013 Diana Princess of Wales & Mother Teresa S/S IMPERFORATED
Honduras 1990 Sc C789-792 WWF set MNH
Honduras 2001, Puente Juan Ramon Molina s/s
Honduras SC# Co42Var MLH - OG Inverted Ovpt - Unlisted Variety
Honduras SC# C02 VAR OG VLH DBI Overprint ONE in RED - Unlisted
Honduras SC# Co38Var MLH/NH Inverted Ovpt and "193" on LR Stamp Block of 4
UPAEP. Mushrooms 2005.
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Honduras Scott 563 Used flag stamp
British Honduras 191-194 MH 1966 Churchill
Paraguay Scott#576 1961 1g International Bridge - MH
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Honduras Scott#119 1907 1c President Medina - Used
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Honduras Scott#Ra1 1941 1c RED Cross - Used
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Honduras c91 u, c160 u
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Honduras Scott 184 Statue Used
Honduras Scott 212 Statue Used
Honduras Scott 249 Presidental Palace Used
Honduras Scott 245 Ruins Used
Honduras Scott 244 Highway Used
Honduras MNH S/S C435 Mexico City Olympics 1968
Honduras Scott Co99 Used Official Airmail stamp
Honduras Scott C722 Used stamp
Honduras Scott C596 Used stamp
Honduras Scott C507 Used stamp
Honduras #118 MH
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Honduras #109 MHR
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Honduras #64 MH
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