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British Virgin Islands
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Virgin Islands #55 NH 1p Colony Seal - Violet
Birds-British Virgin Islands #1155 WWF Hummingbirds (Row B) MNH
SA09 British Virgin Islands 1978 Corals used stamps
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Birds-British Virgin Islands #1155 WWF Hummingbirds (Row A) MNH
British Virgin Islands Sg46 4d MOG P1229A H
British Virgin Islands Sg38 6d A91 Cancel VFU P1229A H
British Virgin Islands Sg34 1d MOG P1229A H
British Virgin Islands Sg43B 1/2d GUM Thin MOG P1229A H
British Virgin Islands Sg36 4d MOG P1229A H
British Virgin Islands Sg22B 1d MOG P1229A H
British Virgin Islands SG2 1d MNG P1229A H
British Virgin Islands SG9 1d MOG P1229A H
British Virgin Islands SG8 1d MOG P1229A H
British Virgin Islands SG9 V Flaw 1d MNG P1229A H
British Virgin Islands Sg27 QV 1/2d MOG P1229A H
British Virgin Islands Sg29A QV 1d MOG P1229A H
British Virgin Islands Sg29 QV 1d MOG P1229A H
British Virgin Islands Sg26 QV 1/2d MOG P1229A H
British Virgin Islands Sg19 4d A91 Cancel VFU P1229A H
British Virgin Islands Sg29 QV 1d A91 Cancel VFU P1229A H
British Virgin Islands 1935 Silver Jubilee Set Sg 103-06 MH-
British Virgin Islands 1935 Silver Jubilee set SG 103-06 MH
British Virgin Islands 1935 Silver Jubilee Set SG 103-06 MH-
British Virgin Islands 1935 Silver Jubilee set SG 103-06 MH
British Virgin Islands 1935 Silver Jubilee set SG 103-06 MH
British Virgin Islands 1935 Silver Jubilee set SG 103-06 MH
British Virgin Islands Sg103-106 KGV Silver Jubilee SET MNH P0207H
Virgin Islands 248a Game Fish s.s. MNH
VIRGIN ISLANDS 1953, FDC First Day Cover Coronation Elizabeth II
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British Virgin Islands 1935 Silver Jubilee set SG 103-06 MH
British Virgin Islands 1978 Sc 343a Butterfly MNH
British Virgin Islands 1978 Sc 342-45 Butterfly set MNH
British Virgin Islands #333-6 Corals MNH
British Virgin Islands #333-6 Corals MNH
British Virgin Islands 1986 Value Omitted Variety Error MNH 16606
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British Virgin Islands: 1948 King George VI Silver Wedding, MVLH
Virgin Islands #216a NH 15c Windsor Castle Ship - Wmk. Sideways
Virgin Islands #214b NH 10c H.M.S. Formidable - Wmk. Sideways
British Virgin Islands 1949 SG 124/125 Used
British Virgin Islands 1867 1s figure of the VIRGIN SG 19 FU
British Virgin Islands 1938-47 5s Badge of Colony chalky paper SG 119 MH
British Virgin Is 1889 1s sepia and 1887-89 1s brown to deep brown SG 40-41 MLH
Virgin Islands, 1899, St. Ursula with lilies, #21 & 22, used, SCV$3.35
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British Virgin Islands 1956-62 $2.40 Brown Pelican SG 160 MLH
Virgin Islands 56 MNH VF
Virgin Islands 55 MNH VF
British Virgin Islands 1913-19 values to 1s SG 69-75 MH
British Virgin Islands 1904 values to 1s SG 54-60 MH
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