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Iraq 621-623, hinged. Michel 691-693. Flowers overprinted, 1971.
Iraq 621-623, MNH. Michel 691-693. Flowers overprinted, 1971.
Iraq 1971, 65F, Stamp out of set
Iraq 1971 Sc O228,30 FU
Iraq 1971 Sc CO4 FU
Iraq 1971 Sc O226 FU
Iraq, Postage Stamp, #O228-33, O240-2 Used, 1971-72, JFZ
1971 Baghdad Iraq Airmail cover To New York Usa
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IRQ SC #CO7 U 1971 Air Official/Hyena CV $5.00 (I)
Iraq 624-625, MNH. Michel 696-697. UNICEF, 25th Anniversary 1971 in black.
IRQ SC #C39 MNH 1971 World Meteorological Day CV $9.00
IRAQ 1971 250f RAFIDAIN BANK Circular Stamp Sc 612 MNH Crease in Selvage
Iraq 1971 SG 931/932 + MS 933 MNH
Iraq 1971/72 SG O976/O977 MNH
Iraq 585-586, hinged. Mi 654-655. Manifesto 03.07.1970. President al-Bakr, 1971.
IRAQ 1971 SG 940/943 MNH
Iraq 1971/72 SG O980 MNH
Iraq 1971/72 SG O968 Used
Iraq 1971/72 SG O981/O986 MNH
Iraq CO5 Used 1971 Overprint Issue
Iraq 1971/72 SG O987/O990 MNH
IRAQ 1971 "Commemorative Sets" MNH
Iraq 1971/72 SG O984/O986 MNH
Iraq O230 Used 1971 issue (ap7159)
Iraq 1971 Costumes Officials SET SG O962 O965 & O968 Mint Hinged Rare
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IRAQ 1971 SG 951/953 MNH
IRAQ 1971 SG 989/993 MNH
IRAQ 1971 SG 994/996 MNH
Iraq O223-24 Used 1971 issues (P106)
Iraq - 1971 Golden Jubilee for Army DAY - Souvenir Sheet MNH
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Iraq 616-20 MNH 1971 4th Pan-Arab Schoolboys Sports Games Set of 5 VF
Iraq 1971/72 SG O992 MNH
Iraq SC# CO5 FVF/U 1971
Iraq SC# O230 VF/U 1971
1971 Iraq Sc #CO5 CO6 CO7 Airmail Officials. Animals. Used Cv$15
Iraq #593, C39, Complete Set(2), 1971, Never Hinged
Iraq SC# O222-24 FVF/U 1971
Iraq SC# CO6 F-Vf LH 1971
Iraq SC# Co5-7 F-Vf U 1971
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IRAQ 1971 Sc CO7 25f/2f Used Official, Striped Hyena
IRAQ 1994 SG 1967/1968 + 1971 MNH
IRAQ 1971 "Commemorative Sets" MNH
IRAQ 1971/72 "Commemorative Sets" MNH
IRAQ 1971 Sc O229 15f Used Official, Costume, wide setting
Iraq 1971 Students Day Set of 3 SG1003-1005 V.F MNH
Iraq 1971 WHO Official Set of 3 SG0973-0975 V.F MNH
Iraq 1971 Costumes Official Set of 6 SG0962-0967 V.F MNH
Iraq CO6 Used 1971 overprint (ak1563)
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