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LI06 Egypt 1983 United Nations Day mint stamps full set
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Egypt 1983 Sc 1229-30 MNH
Egypt 1983 Scott 234B used - 30m, King Farouk in front of the Pyramids of Gizeh
Egypt - 1983 - SC 1222 - Used
Egypt 1983 Arrival of Orabi in Ceylon Sc 1223 MNH A1600
1983 - Egypt - Egyptian Football Victories in Africa Cup and African Cup-winner
Egypt 1983 Reopening Museum Building Islamic Vase Architect Sc 1224 MNH # 4314
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EGYPT 1983 UN Day; Scott 1227-30; MNH
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Egypt 1983 Consular Stamp 1 1/2 £ Used
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Egypt 1983 Revolution 31st Anniversary map Emblem Sc 1221 MNH # 4772
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Egypt 1983 Orabi in Ceylon El-Zahra School Map Sc 1223 MNH # 4113
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Egypt 1983 #1225, 10th Anniversary War With Israel, **MNH**.
Egypt 20 different MNH 1983-84 era, check them out!
Egypt 1983 Scott 1221 MH - 3r, 31st Anniversary of Revolution
Egypt 1983 World Heritage Convention SET Sg1528/1530 MNH
Egypt 1983 #1211, 5th UN African Conference, MNH.
Egypt 1983 #1223, Orabi & Map, MNH.
Egypt 1983 #1220, Handball Championship, **MNH**.
Egypt 1983 Express Airmail Cover to Pacific Grove California USA
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Egypt 1212,MNH. Michel 907. Transport, Communications, Planning Conference,1983.
Egypt 1983 #1221, 31st Anniversary, Wholesale lot of 5, MNH, CV $2.25
Egypt 1983 #1220, Handball, Wholesale lot of 5, **MNH**, CV $3.25
Egypt 1983 #1225, October War, Wholesale lot of 5, **MNH**, CV $3.50
Egypt 1983 Portugal Registered Multi Franked Cover to Lisbon
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Egypt football 1983
EG - SW#948 - U-VF - 3p - 1983 - 4th World Karate Championship
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Egypt 1983 #1221, 31st Anniversary of Revolution, MNH.
Egypt 1983 #1223, Orabi & Map, Wholesale lot of 5, MNH, CV $2.75
Egypt, 1983, World Health Day - Blood Drive, 3p, sc#1215, used,++
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Egypt, 1983, Trade Union Unity Organization, Mi#912, used,++
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EG - SW#927 - U-VF - 3p - 1983 - 5th UN Regional Conf for African Maps
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Egypt 1983
EG - SW#948 - U-VF - 3p - 1983 - 4th World Karate Championship
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EG - SW#933 - U-VF - 3p - 1983 - 10th Anniv of Trade Union Unity Org
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Egypt 1983 Scott 1220 used - 6p, 5th African Handball Championship, Cairo
1983 Egypt 1433 Satellites - UNO Emblem
LI06 Egypt 1983 United Nations Day mint stamps full set
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