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Barbados; Scott 495; 1979; Unused; NH
Barbados 1979 ship Sc 487-490 set MNH
Barbados 1979 Sc 487-490 set MNH
Barbados - 1979 Death Centenary of SIR Rowland Hill - 3v - Mint NH
Barbados 1979 (Variety) Rowland Hill Death Centenary miniature sheet with wat...
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Barbados 1979 (Variety) $10 Red Seal Coot with inverted watermark
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Barbados 1979 (Variety) 45c Wood Dove with inverted watermark
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Barbados 1979 Revenue imperf proofs on presentation cards
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Barbados 1979 (Variety) 8c Frigate Bird with inverted watermark
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Barbados 1979 (Variety) $5 Kingfisher with inverted watermark
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Barbados 1979 (MNH) Year of the Child plate blocks
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Barbados 1979 (Variety) 10c Cattle Egret with watermark to right
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Barbados 1979 (MNH) 50c Phalaenopsis Schilleriana imprint/plate block
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Barbados 1979 (MNH) 50c Ramier plate 1A–1A–1A–1A–1A block
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Barbados 1979 (MNH) Rowland Hill Death Centenary plate blocks
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Barbados 1979 (MNH) Ships plate blocks
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Barbados 1979 (MNH) 8c Frigate Bird plate 1C–1C–1C–1C–1C–1C block
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Barbados 1979 (MNH) 70c Yellow Breast plate 1A–1A–1A–1A–1A block
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Barbados 1979 (MNH) 5c Sparrow plate 1A–1A–1A–1A–1A block
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Barbados 1979 (MNH) $1 Pee-Whistler plate 1A–1A–1A–1A–1A block
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Barbados 1979 (MNH) 45c Wood Dove plate 1A–1A–1A–1A–1A–1A block
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Barbados 1979-82 (MNH) Birds Definitives traffic light/plate 1B blocks
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Barbados 1979 (MNH) 2c Rain Bird plate 1A–1A–1A–1A–1A–1A block
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Barbados 1979 (MNH) 28c Blackbird plate 1A–1A–1A–1A–1A block
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Barbados 1979 (MNH) 25c Epidendrum Ciliare imprint/plate block
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Barbados 1979 (MNH) 10c Cattle Egret plate 1A–1A–1A–1A–1A block
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Barbados 1979-82 (MNH) Birds Definitives
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Barbados #494 1979 SIR Roland Hill Mint VF NH O.G S/S Aa
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Barbados #491-493 1979 SIR Roland Hill Mint VF NH O.G Aa
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Barbados 1979-83 $10 Moorhen SG 638 FU CDS
Barbados 1979 Sc B2 flower MNH
Barbados 1979 Sc 494 set MNH
Barbados 519-523 MNH, Intl.Year of the Child Set from 1979.
Barbados Scott 60 // 501 (1882-1979) Used/Mint H F-VF, CV $61.55 P
Barbados 1979-1981 Sc 495-510 Bird Canary Frigate Ibis Humming Dove CV $32.70
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Barbados 1979 Sc #494 Sir Rowland Hil-Stamps on Stamps Souvenir Sheet (1) MNH
BARBADOS 1979 - Scott# B2 Orchids Surch. Set of 1 NH
Barbados 508 - Unused-NG - $1 Pee Whistlers (1979) (cv $3.25)
BARBADOS 1979 QEII 5c Multicoloured Native Birds SG624 Used
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BARBADOS 1979 QEII 20c Multicoloured Native Birds SG628 Used
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BARBADOS 1979 QEII 10c Multicoloured Native Birds SG626 Used
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Barbados 504 - Used - 35c Green-throated Carib (1979) (cv $0.80)
Barbados 494, MNH. Michel 463,Bl.12. Sir Rowland Hill, 1979. Stamp on Stamp.
Barbados 502 - Used - 25c Ground Dove (1979) (cv $0.65) +
Barbados 12c Green Gaulin Bird issue of 1979, Scott 500, Used
Barbados 8c Frigate Bird issue of 1979, Scott 498, Used
Barbados 1979, Definitives, birds 17v, MNH
Barbados 1979 Sc #494 Sir Rowland Hil-Stamps on Stamps Souvenir Sheet (1) FDC
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