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Sharjah 1963 Sc#36/40 "Freedom From Hunger FAO (Un) Set (5) MNH
Sharjah 1963 Mi#5 FLAG AND MAP Single value USED
Sharjah 1963 Red Cross MS MLH
Sharjah 28 MNH 1963 red Cross (an4552)
Sharjah 1963 - Malaria Eradication - Imperf Miniature Sheet - Scott 27 - MNH
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Sharjah 1963 Mi#MS2 Red Cross centenary MLH
Sharjah 1963 - Red Crescent, Red Cross - Imperf Miniature Sheet - Scott 46 - MNH
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SHARJAH; 1963 early Freedom from Hunger issue MINT MNH IMPERF SET
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Sharjah 1963 Mi#12 FLAG AND MAP Single value USED
Sharjah #16-21 Cat$13.20, 1963 WHO, complete set with souvenir sheet, never h...
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Sharjah 1963 Mi#16-21 National Symbols Airmail MLH
Sharjah 1963 - Malaria Eradication - Set of 5 Stamps - Scott 16-20 - MNH
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Sharjah - UAE 1963-66 28 Different Stamps on ITU FAO Malaria Fish Space Olymp...
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Sharjah # MI1248-1263, Disney - Pinocchio, Snow White, Mint NH Sheets
Sharjah - UAE 1963 Freedom From Hunger FAO Agriculture Sc 36-39 Set MNH # 13321A
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SHARJAH - Scott 21 - Malaria, insect, medicine - MNH S/S - 1963 --a
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Sharjah - UAE 1963 Malaria Eradication Health Mosquito Sc 16-19 Set MNH # 13101A
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1972 Sharjah 1063/B137bsilver Future space projects 12,00 €
Sharjah 1963 SG 16/21 MNH
Sharjah 1963 Sc 22-24 MNH
1972 Sharjah 1063 silver Future space projects 10,00 €
Sharjah. Fight malaria 1963.
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Sharjah 1258 B-1263 B MNH Imperf Disney Pinocchio ZAYIX 0724M0136
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Sharjah 1963 Year SET of 5 Stamps & S/S MNH
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Sharjah 1963 SG39var 20np on 2np corner block of 4 OVPT INVERTED UM
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Sharjah 1963 SG39var 20np on 2np vertical pair OVPT INVERTED UM
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Sharjah 1963 Year SET of 6 Stamps MNH
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Sharjah 1963 SG40var 30np on 3np in pair OVPT INVERTED UM
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SHARJAH - Michel BL 20A - MNH S/S - John F Kennedy grave - 1961
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SHARJAH UAE 1963 Sc 21 28 41 (5 ea), 76A, 96a Olympics MNH Souvenir Sheets CV$49
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Sharjah #16-21 1963 Malaria Complete SET Singles Blocks Souv SHT Mint NH Fs2147
SHARJAH UAE 1963 Sc 36-40 Freedom Hunger MNH Complete Set Blocks of Stamps
Sharjah 1963 Mi#28-33 Red Cross Centenary MUH
Sharjah 1963 Mi#MS2 Red Cross Centenary MS MUH
SHARJAH UAE 1963 Sc C13-C15 Map MNH Complete Set Airmail Stamp Blocks
Sharjah 1963 Mi#28-33 Red Cross Centenary MLH
Sharjah 1963 Mi#35-39 FFH Freedom From Hunger MLH
Sharjah 1963 Mi#28-33B Red Cross Centenary IMPERF MLH
Sharjah 1963 Mi#MS34 red Cross centenary MS MUH
Sharjah 1963 - Freedom From Hunger - Imperf Miniature Sheet - Scott 41 - MNH
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Sharjah 1963 Mi#35-39B FFH Freedom From Hunger IMPERF MLH
Sharjah - UAE 1963 Malaria Eradication Health Mosquito Sc 16-19 Set MNH # 13101A
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Sharjah 1963 Mi#41-44, 46-47 FFH Freedom From Hunger New Values Opts (6/7, no...
Sharjah 1972 Mi#1258-1263 Walt Disney Films, Pinocchio CTO
Sharjah 1963 SG41var 40np on 4np in horiz pair OVPT INVERTED UM
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Sharjah 1972 Mi#1258-1263 Walt Disney Films, Pinocchio sheetlet CTO
Sharjah 1963 SG38var 10np on 1np corner block of 6 OVPT DOUBLE UM
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Sharjah 1972 Mi#1258-1263 Walt Disney Characters, Pinocchio sheetlet CTO
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