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Brazil 1940/41 covers to Kitchener,ON Cdn. Censor - Lakeshore Philatelics
7 days, 5h
Brazil - 2259-73 MNH. Flora. SCV - $8.30
was $3
5 days, 14h
Brazil June 1930 Historic First Flight Cover to France
2 days, 23h
Brazil 1943 "Brapex" Numerals #C50-52 SET on Censored FDC...Rare
2 days, 8h
BRAZIL cover_1931_ Express Shipping_ To a Singer Sewing Manager
was $120
10h 11m
BRAZIL cover_1931_ Express Shipping_ To a Singer Sewing Manager
was $150
10h 11m
Brazil Stamps -Varig - 1930 's - E Rs.1000 overpint on Icarus - MNG
was $45
10h 10m
Brazil Stamps -Varig/Icarus_Airmail - 1930 's - Great used set_ variations
was $72
10h 9m
Brazil Stamps - 1931's Industry & Culture - Small set - Mixed, MOSTLY mint
was $68
10h 8m
BRAZIL cover_1933_Airmail_Varig Stamps and +_Interesting cancels
was $45
10h 8m
Brazil Stamps -Varig - 1930 's - E Rs.1000 overpint on Icarus 1$400R - MNG
was $54
10h 8m
Brazil Stamps - 1881 -1883 Emperor Dom Pedro II - 200R_Interesting cancel
was $54
10h 7m
Brazil Stamps- 1913 - Hermes 10 Reis- Specimen - with control perfin - MLH
was $72
10h 7m
BRAZIL cover_1931_Airmail_ via Condor-Zeppelin_ Original promotional Varig insid
was $405
10h 6m
Brazil Stamps -Varig/Icarus_Airmail - 1930 's - Great MNG/MH set_ variat...
was $72
10h 6m
Stamps - Brazil - Scott# 162-164 - Used Part Set of 3 Stamps
6h 37m
37439 - BRAZIL - Postal History : 1974 FDC official COVER
Or Best Offer
(I.B) Brazil Revenue : Cigarette Tax 10r
Or Best Offer
Brazil Scott #1315-1319 MH
Brazil Scott #1176-1178 MH
Brazil sc 190 u
Or Best Offer
Brazil 819 Used BIN $0.50
Or Best Offer
Brazil P11 VFU Z8055
Brazil Sc 1622 Butterfly Caligo Eurilochus L265
Or Best Offer
Brazil #40 Cat$160, 1861 430r yellow, used, thin
Or Best Offer
Brazil 957 MNH Strip3 BIN $1.00 Olympics
Or Best Offer
Brazil # C98, Plan of Brasilia, Mint NH,
Brazil 1398 MNH BIN $1.00
Or Best Offer
Brazil Scott #607 never hinged
Brazil #J28-40S, 1906-10 Postage Dues, complete set, overprinted Specimen wit...
Or Best Offer
207184 MNH Brasil 1974 Ganaderia Brasileña
Brazil 865 VFU Z5211-5
Brazil 893 VFU W372
Brazil Scott #1554 MH
Brazil 905 VFU O227-1
Brazil Scott #866 MNH
Brazil 968 MNH VF
Brazil Scott #1073 MH
Brazil 990 VFU V431-1
Brazil C110 MNH Cat $0.60 Religion Topical Full Set
Brazil Scott # 1253 MH
Brazil Scott # 1326 MH
Brazil Scott # 1183 MH
Brazil Scott # 1175 MH
Brazil Scott # 1180 MH
Brazil SC 60 Item 4 VFU (5eyd)
Brazil Scott # 1217 MH
Brazil Scott # 1170 MH
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