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Central & South America
Belize (British Honduras)
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BRITISH HONDURAS GV SG128, 2c rose-carmine, FINE USED.
British Honduras GV Sg130, 4c Grey, Fine Used.
BRITISH HONDURAS GV SG132, 10c dull purple & sage-green, FINE USED.
BRITISH HONDURAS GV SG133, 25c black/emerald, FINE USED.
BRITISH HONDURAS GV SG134, 50c purple & blue/blue, FINE USED. Cat £18.
BRITISH HONDURAS GV SG136, $1 black & scarlet, VERY FINE USED. Cat £40. CDS
BRITISH HONDURAS GV SG137, $2 yellow-green & bright purple, USED. Cat £150.
BRITISH HONDURAS GV SG138-142, 1932 Belize relief fund set, FINE USED. Cat £140.
British Honduras GVI Sg147-149, 1937 Coronation Set, Fine Used.
British Honduras GV Sg143-146, 1935 Silver Jubilee Set, Fine Used. Cat £24. CDS
British Honduras GVI Sg164-165, 1949 RSW Set, Very Fine Used. Cat £50. CDS
British Honduras GVI Sg150-161, 1938-47 Set, Very Fine Used. Cat £120. CDS
British Honduras GVI Sg162-163, 1946 Victory Set, Fine Used.
BRITISH HONDURAS GVI SG166-171, 1948 battle of St Georges Cay set, FINE USED.
British Honduras GVI Sg172-175, 1949 Anniversary of UPU Set, Fine Used.
BRITISH HONDURAS GVI SG176-177, 1951 BWI university college set, FINE USED.
BRITISH HONDURAS QEII SG179a, 1c green & black, FINE USED.
BRITISH HONDURAS QEII SG180, 2c yellow-brown & black, FINE USED. PERF 13½
BRITISH HONDURAS QEII SG181, 3c reddish violet & bright purple, FINE USED. P 13½
BRITISH HONDURAS GV SG109, $2 purple & green, FINE USED. Cat £150.
BRITISH HONDURAS QEII SG191-193, 1960 post office centenary set, FINE USED.
BRITISH HONDURAS QEII SG179-190, 1953-62 complete set, FINE USED. Cat £32.
BRITISH HONDURAS QEII SG198-201, 1965 Hurricane Hattie Relief set, FINE USED.
British Honduras SG29 20 cents on 6d yellow Wmk Crown CA BROKEN C M/M
Or Best Offer
British Honduras QV Sg18, 1d Rose, Fine Used. Cat £18.
BRITISH HONDURAS QV SG19, 1d carmine, FINE USED. Cat £35.
BRITISH HONDURAS QV SG20, 4d mauve, FINE USED. paper makers wmk 'S'
BRITISH HONDURAS QV SG21, 6d yellow, USED. Cat £250.
British Honduras QV Sg22, 1s Grey, Fine Used. Cat £180.
BRITISH HONDURAS QV SG23, 2c on 6d rose, FINE USED. Cat £275.
BRITISH HONDURAS QV SG25, 2c on 6d rose, FINE USED. Cat £180.
BRITISH HONDURAS QV SG26, 3c on 3d chestnut, FINE USED. Cat £110.
BRITISH HONDURAS QV SG27, 2c on 1d rose, FINE USED. Cat £50.
BRITISH HONDURAS QV SG28, 10c on 4d mauve, FINE USED. Cat £25.
BRITISH HONDURAS QV SG29, 20c on 6d yellow, FINE USED. Cat £55.
British Honduras QV Sg30, 50c on 1s Grey, Used. Cat £700. on Piece
BRITISH HONDURAS QV SG36-42, 1888-91 complete set, FINE USED. Cat £130.
BRITISH HONDURAS QV SG43, 6c on 10c on 4d mauve, FINE USED.
BRITISH HONDURAS QV SG44, 6c on 10c on 4d mauve, FINE USED.
BRITISH HONDURAS QV SG49, 5c on 3c on 3d red-brown, FINE USED.
BRITISH HONDURAS QV SG50, 15c on 6c on 3d ultramarine, FINE USED. Cat £30.
BRITISH HONDURAS QV SG55, 5c grey-black & ultramarine, FINE USED.
BRITISH HONDURAS QV SG57, 10c mauve & green, FINE USED. Cat £22.
BRITISH HONDURAS QV SG58, 10c dull purple & green, FINE USED. Cat £12.
BRITISH HONDURAS QV SG59, 12c reddish lilac & green, FINE USED.
BRITISH HONDURAS QV SG60, 24c yellow & blue, USED. Cat £28.
BRITISH HONDURAS QV SG61, 25c red-brown & green, FINE USED. Cat £160.
BRITISH HONDURAS QV SG62, 50c green & carmine, USED. Cat £80.
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