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Barbados #822 Flowering Trees Used
Sc# 67 Barbados 1882 - 1885 QV Queen Victoria 1/ issue MLH CV $32.50
Sc# 104 Barbados 1906 "Lord Nelson Monument" One Penny issue MLMH CV $14.00
Sc# 123 Barbados 1912 KGV 6 Pence issue MMH CV $15.00 Stk #2
Sc# 127 Barbados 1912 Seal of the Colony ¼ pence issue MVLH CV 90¢
Sc# 128 Barbados 1916-18 "Seal of the Colony" ½ pence issue MLH CV $4.50 Stk# 1
Sc# 148 Barbados 1920 "Victory" 1/ issue MLH CV $22.50 Stk #2
Sc# 168b Barbados 1925-35 "Seal of the Colony" 1½ pence issue MLH CV $17.50 #2
Sc# 168b Barbados 1925-35 "Seal of the Colony" 1½ pence issue MNH CV $27.50 #1
1938-47 Barbados "Seal of the Colony" 1 pence MVLH Sc# 194 CV $14.00 Stk #2
BARBADOS Scott # 203 Wholesale Used Lot Of 23 - CV $31.00
Or Best Offer
Sc# 200a Barbados 1938 -47 "Seal of the Colony" 1/ olive issue MMH CV $12.50 #2
Sc# 666 Barbados 1985 "Audubon Bicentenary" 65¢ issue MNH CV $2.60
Sc# 668 Barbados 1985 "Audubon Bicentenary" $1.00 issue MNH CV $3.25
Sc# 408 Barbados 1974-77 "Orchid Flower" $1.00 Perf 14½x14 issue MNH CV $11.00
BARBADOS Scott # 71, 92 Used - Watermarks 2 & 3
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BARBADOS Scott # 70-2, 74 Used
Or Best Offer
BARBADOS Scott # 128 MH - Seal Of The Colony
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BARBADOS Scott # 216 Used - KGVI & Dover Fort
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Barbados 406 MNH
Barbados SG251 2 1/2d Ultramarine Block U/M
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Barbados 1910 6d Dull & Bright Purple SG168 Fine LMM
Barbados SC# 198a FVF/U
(I.B) Barbados Revenue : National Insurance & Social Security $1.75 (unlisted)
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Barbados SC# 237 BLK/4 F/NH
(I.B) Barbados Revenue : National Insurance & Social Security $2.60 (unlisted)
Or Best Offer
(I.B) Barbados Revenue : Duty Stamp $25
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Barbados SG256a 5/- Indigo U/M Block of Four Cat 48++ pounds
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Barbados 241 MNH
Barbados 242 MNH
Barbados 216-27 SG 273-82 MLH F/VF 1950 SCV $140.00*
Or Best Offer
Barbados Sc# 61 QV Queen Victoria 1 Penny 1882 -1885 issue MLMH CV $60.00
Sc# 101 Barbados 1904 - 1910 "Seal of the Colony" 2/6 issue MVLH CV $70.00
Sc# 107 Barbados 1906 "Lord Nelson Monument" Six Pence issue Used CV $30.00
Sc# 118 Barbados 1912 KGV 1 Pence issue MMHH CV $12.00 Stk #2
Sc# 123 Barbados 1912 KGV 6 Pence issue MLMH CV $15.00 Stk #1
1912 Barbados KGV 1/ issue MLMH Sc# 124 CV $17.50 Stk #1
Sc# 132 Barbados 1916 -1918 Seal of the Colony 3 pence MLH CV $15.00 Stk# 1
Sc# 131 Barbados 1916-18 "Seal of the Colony" 2½ pence issue MLMH CV $8.50 Stk 1
Sc# 103 Barbados 1906 "Lord Nelson Monument" half penny issue MLMH CV $12.00 #2
Barbados Sc# 145 "1920 Victory" 3 pence MMH CV $7.20
Barbados Sc# 146 "1920 Victory" 4 pence issue MNH CV $7.20
Sc# 60 Barbados 1882 -1885 QV Queen Victoria ½ Penny issue MMH CV $35.00 Stk #1
Barbados 165 / 179 Seal of the Colony 1925-35 set ML-LMH Wmk 4 CV $90.85 Stk #2
Sc# 660 / 663 Barbados 1985 "Queen Mother 85th B-day" complete set MNH CV $4.50
Sc# 60 Barbados 1882 -85 QV Queen Victoria ½ Penny issue MMHH CV $35.00 Stk #3
Sc# 675 / 679 Barbados 1986 "QE II 60th Birthday" complete set MNH CV $3.25
Sc# 62 Barbados 1882 - 1885 QV Queen Victoria 2½ Penny issue MLH CV $145.00
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