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Samoa Sg501/4 1978 Aviation Progress Used
Samoa 495-498, 498a, MNH. Mi 395-398, Bl.17. Albrecht Durer-450. Christmas 1978.
Samoa 1978 WWF Turtles MUH lot54771
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Samoa 495-498, MNH. Michel 395-398. Christmas 1978. Albrecht Durer-450.
Samoa 1978 Xmas, Durer Etchings MS MUH lot54776
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Samoa #470-471 Cat$12.50, 1978 Turtles, set of two, never hinged
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Samoa 1978 SG529 UHM
Samoa 1978 Aviation Progress MUH lot54899
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Samoa 1978 CAPEX Stamp Exhibition MS MUH lot54872
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Samoa 1978 Xmas, Durer Etchings MUH lot54778
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Samoa 1978 Aviation Progress MUH lot54769
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Samoa 1978 QEII Coronation Anniv. MS MUH lot54772
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Samoa 1978 WWF Hawksbill Turtles MLH
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Samoa 1978 QEII Coronation, 25th Anniversary , Royalty MS MUH
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Samoa 1978 QEII Coronation 25th Anniv MS MUH lot81448
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Samoa 1978 WWF Turtle Hatchery MUH
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Samoa 1978 QEII Coronation, 25th Anniv. Str3 CTO
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Samoa 1978 SG522 UHM
Samoa 1978 SG527 UHM
Samoa 1978 SG530b UHM
Samoa 1978 SG523 UHM
Samoa 1978 SG521 UHM
Samoa 1978-80 Shells MUH
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Samoa 1978 QEII Coronation 25th Anniv MS MUH
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Samoa 1978 QEII Coronation 25th Anniversary MS MUH
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Samoa 1978 QEII Coronation 25th Anniv MS MUH
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SAMOA 1978 cover TUASIVA cds...............................................25591
Samoa 1978 SG526 UHM
Samoa 1978 SG506-507 Turtle Conservation set MNH
Samoa 1978 SG524 UHM
Samoa 1978 SG519 UHM
Samoa 1978 SG517 UHM
Samoa 1978 QEII Coronation 25th Anniv. MS MUH
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SAMOA 1978 cover ALEIPATA cds..............................................25582
Samoa 1978-80 Shells MLH
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Samoa 1978 Xmas MS MUH
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Samoa 1978 Capex MS MUH
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Samoa 1978 Aviation Progress MUH
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Samoa 1978 WWF Hawksbill Turtle MUH
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Samoa 1978 QEII Coronation 25th Anniversary Str3 MUH
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SAMOA 1978 cover LEFAGA cds................................................25623
Samoa 1978 SG528 UHM
Samoa 1978 SG518 UHM
Samoa 1978 QEII Coronation 25th Anniv. Sheetlet MUH
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SAMOA 1978 cover ASAU cds...................................................B121
Samoa 1978 Xmas MLH
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Samoa 1978 Aviation Progress MLH
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Samoa 1978 QEII Coronation, 25th Anniv. Str3 CTO
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